Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 3)

Makes me wonder how many people take an anti-vax stance for no other reason than being afraid of needles. So they hold up whatever harebrained excuse they can find so long as they don’t reveal their fear of needles. We’ve said it over and over, people put all kinds of garbage in their body even when the negative effects are well known.
What if the best strategy is to stop taking about numbers and think like a conservative… and anytime someone expresses vaccine hesitancy, be all like, “What’s a matter bro, you afraid of needles bro?!”
“I’m not afraid of needles, we just don’t know-”
“HAY EVERONE, this guys a’scerrd of needles!!”
“No, I-”
(commence taunting and baby talk)


As an aside, the European portion of the COVID-19 travel danger map is almost the exact opposite of typical European data maps.


And there you have the story of how wealthy countries utterly fucked up in graphical form.

Don’t know why Ireland is being added to those lists now by the way. Rate went up a month ago and been pretty steady since then.


Nopenopenopenope. Not an option.


Never even occurred to me, but I think you may be on to something. It really should have occurred to me though, as I am the actual literal poster child for a fear of needles. You rub isopropyl on the inside of my elbow, and I start to panic.

Considering that most of the GQP’s anti-mask mania likely stems from their messiah’s orange makeup, basic hypodermophobia should not be overlooked here.


Because hamburger is more valuable than human life in Death Cult country.


I should mention, there’s nothing wrong with being afraid of having a foreign metal tube inserted into your flesh. I don’t think many people really enjoy receiving injections.
Moreover, getting the shot to prove you’re not afraid is the wrong reason to do it, but at this point, whatever.


i actually tried something like this with my uncle ( granted after other attempts to convince him failed. ) played up that the second shot hurt, was honest about it knocking me down for a day, and then used all his ex military “willing to do hard things for my country and fellow americans” right back at him

it might have worked if it was the first thing he’d heard. but his ears have already had so many lies poured in it doesn’t matter


obligatory message that individual results might vary. and that trying something is probably better than not trying at all


The nuggies must flow


At least until the inevitable “conservative” boycott, right?

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After all the reports in the past year (many in this thread) about Tyson’s horrible workplace policies, they can shove 'em as far as I’m concerned. The indifference displayed toward their workers (and family members) who died as a result makes me think we need a different sort of cruelty-free label on the products that we find in stores.


“I’ve had a lot of people that are like, ‘So I thought the vaccine was supposed to make it so we wouldn’t get covid, what’s the point?’” said Croft, “[But] our patients that are vaccinated are going home to their families… versus patients that are unvaccinated and we’re seeing more of them not go home to their family.”

This is the take-home not getting nearly enough press.
That, and the ongoing effort to break out healthcare workers.


My provincial government just almost eliminated restrictions due to our high Vax numbers and low case counts…there are still minor restrictions here and there but only a suggestion to wear a mask indoors in public if you are not vaxed.

“This is great for our economy. It’s great for our communities as well,” said Premier Brian Pallister

The order of that sentence is very telling.

Oh well, keep on keeping on I suppose.


You and me both; been wondering that for a while now.

That, and if maybe selfish personal discomfort is the real reason so many have an aversion to wearing masks.


The world is apparently stuck in a time loop:

This sounds bad, and it certainly is for those affected, but right now in all of China there are supposedly only 328 new local cases in the last month. In the US we’re currently averaging over 85,000 new cases per day.


“ NEW YORK, N.Y. — The Archdiocese of New York has instructed priests not to grant religious exemptions for COVID-19 vaccines, saying that do so would contradict the pope.

“There is no basis for a priest to issue a religious exemption to the vaccine,” stated a July 30 memo from the archdiocese’s chancellor, John P. Cahill, to all pastors, administrators, and parochial vicars in the archdiocese.

“Pope Francis has made it very clear that it is morally acceptable to take any of the vaccines and said we have the moral responsibility to get vaccinated. Cardinal Dolan has said the same,” the memo stated.”


My provincial government just almost eliminated restrictions due to our high Vax numbers and low case counts…

I think Ontario :canada: is trying to fix those low case counts as well… :thinking: they are good at at that. /s

Wave 4, here we come…


Associated press reprint