Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 4)

I think we’re going to get the 2nd booster this weekend. Then if they come out with something in October we can still get it in late November or December.

Plus, my wife needs oral surgery on the 26th of this month and the booster can’t hurt. She’s nervous enough already.


I would like to be boosted by the time my kid starts kindergarten. Whole new germ environment. I want her boosted too.


Ontario :canada: just opened up 4th doses for everyone 18+, yay.

With the barn door now firmly closed… time to find that :horse: :thinking:


Tell me about it. Currently: HMFD. :mask::face_with_head_bandage::face_with_thermometer:


Is that Hand Foot and Mouth Disease? (As we call it over here)


This revised guidance outlines that quarantine is no longer routinely recommended after exposure to COVID-19 infected individuals in child care, K-12 schools, and camp settings.

Sad Mental Health GIF by Reservation Dogs


We had some down time so we got the second booster and then as soon I got the shot I got called to do some work.

Right on schedule, 10 hours after the shot, muscle pain, weakness, fever and chills. Same thing after the other shots.

Took a couple advil around 1 am, it helped and now I’m off to work with flu like symptoms.

But I’ll do it again this fall if they come out with a better one.


Cue the quacks. This situation is ripe for unscrupulous actors to step in and begin offering unproven products and treatments—likely at exorbitant prices. It’s a tried-and-true model: When modern medicine is not yet able to provide evidence-based treatment, quacks slither in to console the desperate, untreated patients. Amid their sympathetic platitudes, they rebuke modern medicine, scowl at callous physicians, and scoff at the slow pace and high price of clinical trials. With any ill-gotten trust they earn, these bad actors can peddle unproven treatments and false hope.

This is honestly about the best summary of the quack medicine phenomenon I have read in a while. Taking sick, suffering people and bilking them of their last dollar and hope is about as low as it can get.

This, though, may be hopeful. At least it’s a start.


A flu infection could help protect against Covid, according to research published Tuesday in the Journal of Virology, a reassuring finding as experts warn more people are likely to catch both as restrictions lift and flu bounces back after largely disappearing during pandemic lockdowns.

I dunno, I think I’ll still get a flu shot.


Isn’t getting a flu shot sort of like getting a flu infection? :thinking:


No, because you don’t get live viruses. It’s a dress rehearsal. Your body reacts as if you did, though, so that’s why @tcg550 felt shitty. Your body creates antibodies so that if and when you encounter live viral goo, it can fight it better.


Question is, is it the infection or the immune reaction that helps in the “Flurona”?


What is flurona? I know what the standard definition is, it’s the rare situation where a patient is infected with the flu and covid.

What are you referring to?

/me Clicks link...

Overall, 1 in 13 adults in the U.S. (7.5%) have “long COVID” symptoms, defined as symptoms lasting three or more months after first contracting the virus, and that they didn’t have prior to their COVID-19 infection.



The article 3 posts above mine?

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Unpossible. It’s just a flu!!



a few weeks before covid appeared here in the us, i had a knock me down flu. i often wonder if it was covid. or, maybe now: did having the flu help me avoid covid?

( i was still working then at a grocery chain. it was a scene. many - but not all - of us avoided covid. somehow… )


“I’m very much in favour of everyone running out to get their fourth dose as soon as they’re eligible,” said Dawn Bowdish, the Canada Research Chair in aging and immunity and a professor of medicine at McMaster University.

The others cited put a few caveats on that but, on balance, say sooner rather than later.

I’m booked for Sunday, myself…


Hope it goes well for you. For what it’s worth, here are the latest European CDC recommendations:


Oops, sorry.

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