Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 4)

Current state of research indicates that Neanderthals were much more caring about their sick and infirm than those numpties. And smarter.


The government’s most likely response to him:


This National Labor Relations Board ruling was relevant.

The case concerned a hospital in Mt. Clemens, Michigan, which laid-off 11 employees in June 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of the severance agreement, the hospital demanded that the laid-off employees keep the terms “confidential” and agree not to say anything publicly that “could disparage or harm” the hospital’s image. If they did, they would face potentially “substantial” financial penalties.



Ms. McQuaig brings up Connaught Labs, which used to supply vaccines and insulin at cost, while supporting a big research program linked to the University of Toronto. It was sold to Sanofi by our Reagan-aligned PM in the 1980’s. It might be time to get it back.


While Ladapo touted that the analysis found a link between mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines and an increased risk of cardiac-related deaths in young men, “The analysis performed in DOH did not find this,” the tipster alleged in the complaint to the inspector general. Rather, Ladapo “manipulated the final draft of the analysis.”

Shocking, I tell you, shocking!


I for one am pretty impressed with Bronze Age medicine, I mean, shoving the lens of your eye into the back of your eyeball with a specially made bronze tool, effectively turning you into a living camera obscura when you have a cataract?

Wow, how did they even figure out that would work? Perchance, did they use a SCIENTIFIC approach? They really did trust things to work… when they found out they worked. Unlike those bonkers’ mentioned above…


… and I’m guessing that clearance from their ethics committee was a little easier to get than it might be today. :thinking:


Do you have any links to a good summary of what you’re talking about? It sounds really fascinating, and nothing I’ve ever come across before.


Couching: Cataract Surgery in the Ancient World
It is difficult to imagine that ancient physicians would perform cataract surgery, especially since anesthesia had not been invented yet.
However, in the interest of restoring clouded vision, couching was performed. This procedure involved using a lancet to push the damaged lens back into the eye. Evidence of this technique dates back 4,000 years, back to the ancient Egyptians.
Ancient Cataract Extraction
Couching was not the only method used to remove cataracts. In the 2nd century, a Greek physician actually removed the clouded lens from the eye.
To do this, a hollow bronze instrument was inserted into the eye, and the lens was removed with suction.

I have previously discussed my queasy response to eye injuries, but this is what I have. @LutherBlisset may have more detailed references. Not in my typical sandbox!


What a massive TIL today…thanks, both of you!


New work COVID policies:

“* Vaccinations will no longer be a requirement. This applies to new and existing employees as well as contracted staff performing work in (our) buildings.

  • Employees who test positive for COVID-19 no longer need to report those cases to HR. However, if a case is work-related, we are required to report it. Please see the pdf)on the xxx for reporting procedures.
  • The agency will no longer provide extra COVID-19 leave days. Existing employee PTO coding will cover any time off due to COVID-19.”

——Safety is of course a paramount concern!


screaming ilana glazer GIF by Broad City


We’re only in public transportation. It’s not like we can expose or be exposed by numerous people- who can further spread it widely. :woman_shrugging:


I learned about this when I was looking up some stuff about Doktor Eisenbart, a 18th century surgeon and Starstecher, when giving some people a tour in central Germany. Then I fell down a rabbit hole right down to the Codex Hammurabi. There are plenty of sources on the web, and be warned: some are quite graphical. Even if they do not include graphics, at all. If you shy away from the perro andaluz, I suggest you do brace yourself.

Interesintingly, I just googled and found this:

Seems like it covers quite some bases.

Back on topic: the people who introduced that bill? Please, get treated by the quacksalvers of old if you ever have so much as a headache. I do have some respect for those practicioners of old, given the the timeframe. I do not for those wackos, given our fucking shared timeframe. The stupid. It hurts. People.


Holy Wackadoodle Batman!

Whereas strong and credible evidence exists that Covid I9 and Covid 19 injections are biological and technological weapons,

Whereas Pfizer’s clinical data revealed 1223 deaths, 42,000 adverse cases, 158,000 adverse incidents, and approximately 1,000 side effects,

Whereas an enormous number of humans have died and or have been permanently disabled,

Whereas strong and credible evidence exists that Covid mRNA shots alter human DNA,

Whereas government agencies, media and tech companies, and other corporations, have committed enormous fraud by claiming Covid injections are safe and effective,

Whereas a statewide grand jury is investigating Covid vaccine crimes,

Whereas continued experimentation on humans and denial of informed consent are violations of the Nuremberg Code and therefore constitute crimes against humanity …

Be it Further Resolved: On behalf of the preservation of the human race, the Lee County Republican Party calls upon Governor DeSantis and the state legislature to prohibit the sale and distribution of Covid injections and all mRNA injections in the state of Florida, and for the state Attorney General to immediately seize all Covid injections and mRNA injections in the state of Florida and have a forensic analysis conducted.


I just stumble upon the “recent deaths” list on the wikipedia front page and realised I know one of the names on that list. One the anti-vaxxers quoted every now and then. A biologist from Austria. He ended his life, and left a son.

I feel sorry for him. He not only lost his dad, but I fully expect that the conspiracy nutters will not leave him alone. This is very depressing.


Wait, there’s more.

Dr. Joe Sansone, the man who wrote the resolution, is a licensed psychotherapist (with no formal expertise related to vaccines or epidemiology) and believes in absolutes.

“If you got this shot, you go home and hug your pregnant wife—she can have a miscarriage through skin contact,” Sansone said.

I googled the guy, he’s a hypnotist and has a wackadoodle podcast and YouTube channel. How do they let this guy become their spokesperson?