I’m glad that someone pointed this out. Complaining that mathematical modelling is wrong, when people’s behaviour was impacted by previous results of mathematical modelling is just massively frustrating.
Also, at the start of the pandemic, the people who could do mathematical projections were the only ones not reacting complacently, and were yelling about exponential growth as those in power were shrugging off a few cases here and there.
There was a fair amount written in 2020 about how women academics’ output diminished during lockdown (they minded the kids or did the home school rather than the menz).
Recipe: Take something people are vaguely familiar hearing of and have no actual understanding of, and pitch it as something bad by associate it with something else basically noone actually understands, but feels deeply uncomfortable about or knows (at least: assumes) is a bad thing. Then give the listener the feeling that the stuff you mentioned is even worse than that uncomfortable or bad thing. Or even the cause for it. And then make them believe that there is a conspiracy behind it.
Stir, throw it around, some shit will stick in minds. Repeat, include slight variations, and more sticks.
I think we need to deconstruct their techniques more often.
The 3 free N95 government masks are 3M and in the Korean style, which I prefer. Meijer’s is giving them out already. (Regional grocery/drug store in Michigan, Indiana, and possibly into Illinois.)
i always thought of her as the actress from lost, now i guess the actress who is lost
makes me wonder about the disney covid protocols though. i sure wouldn’t want to have unvaccinated people on set. and wouldn’t the liability insurance be through the roof?
Today, Japan passed 80,000 new daily cases for the first time, reaching 81,811.
This includes 17,631 in Tokyo Prefecture (Metro Area: Almost 32,000) and 10,013 in Osaka Prefecture (Metro Area: Almost 18,000).
Governor Koike of Tokyo Prefecture is preparing to formally ask the national government to declare a state of emergency (this would be the third of fourth time…who can even keep track at this point).
Although nearly 79% of the population is now fully vaccinated, only 2.7% have had booster shots at this point. Local governments are scrambling to hasten booster shots, but we’re still looking at another couple of months to make it happen.