Cop charged after allegedly masturbating in front of family during domestic violence call

You could be right. I’ve had dozens of interactions with LEO, including more than one instance of someone else calling them on me, but I’ve never been afraid or felt disrespected. They even protected me at least 3 times. White privilege incarnate, I suppose.

No, she is right. She did witness what she says she witnessed. To use a conditional in the response is really condescending. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Yes, for sure.

I am white but also a woman and not from a privileged economic background. I’ve been harassed by cops more than once, been failed by them during an actual attempted break in, and sort of helped a little once when my stolen car was found.

My first experience with them was when I was eight and they harassed my mom and her friends then robbed her Cuban friend when they failed to find anything to charge any of us with. After bringing him in for a lengthy interrogation that we all had to wait though.


Kudos on even the slightest iota of self awareness.


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