Cop who pepper-sprayed UC Davis students seeks workers comp

I hated his choices. I don’t hate his desire to get help - if that’s indeed what it is. I hope he can make something positive out of the rest of his life - OUTSIDE of law enforcement, for which he is clearly and absolutely unsuited.

There are also several thousand other currently active law enforcers that should probably be working at something else. Ditto many border guards and most of the intelligence apparatchiks.

And a few good cops that should keep on doing their best. We do need some law enforcement, and I have on two occasions been extremely happy to see a police car. On many other occasions, not so much.


You are correct. Sociopath does have a definition and symptoms. No empathy and no remorse. Just like I stated.

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If he is psychologically injured, someone should call a waaaaaaaaaaaaahmbulance.


It’s just sad how those students victimized this innocent cop. They put their faces in his pepper spray and now he has to suffer?


We are not evolved to respond any other way. The Internet has changed nothing about this and why would you expect it to? If someone behaves horribly, they will be held personally accountable, and other members of the tribe will treat them badly to discourage them and others from behaving badly in the future.

Sucks for him to be held personally accountable for his horrible behaviour by a tribe of millions of people who don’t know him personally and therefore don’t temper their disparagement with compassion.

But he’s not a special snowflake; he acted like a vicious prick and really, physically, hurt people who were doing no harm and were no threat to him. You can’t start letting people off lightly for brutal abuses of power because a million people watching might be mean about them. A million people are waiting to be mean about everyone. The reductio ad absurdum is that therefore any kind of behaviour is OK and not to be criticised. Fuck that, and fuck him, and fuck his colleagues who did nothing to stop him, and fuck anyone who thinks we’re being too hard on him. It might just look that way because we’re not being hard enough on some other cunts.


A good cop is a cop who stops a bad cop. A cop who cooperates with or enables a bad cop is a bad cop.

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What I’d like to know is why Leonardo DiCaprio hasn’t been brought to justice.

Mr. Pike was reported too earn more then $100,000 a year and a veteran of the campus police force. Why does he need financial support? Did he blow all his cash on tissue kleenex?

If scores of people show up too his ‘hearing’ their presents might support his cause for mental health compensation. “Just look out the window. There they are. They follow me every were, taunting me constantly. Awarding me money will make it all better.”

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For what it’s worth I’m with you. At least from a devils advocate perspective.

Too many people seek rehabilitation for those they side with and the death sentence for those they don’t.

I don’t think the chap deserves any kind of compensation, but I can imagine that he does likely need some kind of help, if not before the incident then definitely after.

He may need help, compassion is entirely optional.

A lot of us suffered psychiatric injury from the incident. Can we get compensation too?

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Actually, I think people are blaming him for pepper spraying a line of non-violent protesters in the face. It’s easy to portray him as a scapegoat if you forget that, but as SpunkyTWS says, that incident involved hurting a lot of people more than him.

No, we shouldn’t be rushing to apply mob justice, but then again one can generally expect that someone who casually attacks so many people should be charged for it. I understand he wasn’t. People who get away with crimes because of their position should inspire some resentment, shouldn’t they?


Ugh, more pop-psych mumbo-jumbo. The guy’s an asshole, isn’t that enough? You don’t need to justify your every opinion with appeals to poorly-understood science.

You are responding to something I said way back on the first day of this thread. Like weeks ago. I see a bunch of wannabe pwotesters (spelling intentional) squawking about some loser who is a damn tool of the system anyway. There are more serious things to focus your wrath on. Like the system.

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