Cops have way more rights than you do

What’s the appropriate emoji for “dismayed at how appropriate my total lack of shock turns out to be, owing to deep cynicism that continues to be justified”?

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I don’t disagree. Taxing my grandkids to support me seems to be a winner for both parties. But some day soon the grandkids will start figuring it out.

It more likely will work the other way around.
Your grandkids will appreciate the ACA more as they have the opportunity to learn more about it as happened with Social Security and Medicare.

It’s GOP policies that don’t age well. Draconian, racist sentencing “reform” and defunded community mental health services are two horrifying examples.

It took a generation to see that both unfairly increased the burden on law enforcement to do social services work they weren’t trained to do. Both encouraged violence by law enforcement against their own communities and increased gun violence generally.


I mostly agree with your post, except that being a police officer doesn’t come close to being one of the most dangerous occupations in the US (that’d be fishing, logging, construction, farming, aircraft piloting, truck driving).

Suicide claims more policemen than homicide. When a policeman is killed on duty, it’s usually in an auto accident.

And civilians have a higher chance of being murdered than police officers do of being killed on duty.


It sounds like we may agree that working hard can be dangerous to your health.

Whether suicide is recognized as an occupational risk — from secondary mental health trauma, for example — matters for deciding the relative dangers of occupations.

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