Cops playing copyrighted music to stop video of them being posted online

There are also countless videos of corrupt cops abusing their power, beating and outright murdering people. They’re supposed to be able to take shit from people. Don’t like it? Don’t be a cop.


FAO everyone saying edit it - he was livestreaming.

Doesn’t the ACLU have an app just for this purpose? If you’re in the US anyway.


This is more like another case of cops picking up a tactic from activists and attempting to use it against them, much like the confistcated leafblowers in Portland.

Counter-protesters have used this tactic of playing copyrighted music, with some success, at white supremacist and alt-right rallies.


Is there any other job, where during a professional interaction, you could pull out your phone and blast music, without getting fired?


Lumping in post office employees and the general public is disingenuous, we’re specifically talking about cops, who have a disproportionate amount of power over citizens. They should be able to be monitored and have their actions publicised at all times to give the people the slightest chance to hold them accountable.


That’s taking the wrong end of the stick, and beating about the bush with it. The point being made was simply ‘maybe this is where he got the idea from’. Not a defense, not a support…just that.

A cop who likes bad music smh…

What’s the context of why mrcheckpoint was confronting the officer while videoing these times? Without that it just looks like he’s trying to have a confrontation (who would like to have someone come up to them while putting a camera in their face?) in which case the cop’s reaction seems awfully mild…

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