Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/11/12/corey-lewandowski-trump-campaign-adviser-has-coronavirus.html
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.
I bought the Pendleton.
Do NOT ruin that sweater for me. Dude.
That is pretty charitable TBH.
The phrase “whomp, womp” has never been so appropriate.
I’m not saying that I would look forward to reading his obituary, as that would not be kind, but I will say that I would not mind at all if all of his toes turned blue, and he lost his senses of smell and taste, and he had to be intubated and isolated in hospital for days on end with no contact from friends and family while he feared that he was going to die, assuming of course, that there are actually any real friends.
At this point, who doesn’t have coronavirus in the Trump circle?
Mitch McConnell. He is practically the only republican taking COVID personally seriously, but as a giant hypocrite and death cult supporter has no problem preventing the rest of America from handing it well.
yeah, i think it’s safer to just assume they ALL have it.
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