Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/03/30/duckies-yay-duckies.html
on day 6 I didn’t know where to find my pants even if I wanted to go somewhere.
It’s a long way down from there.
Duck Soup?
Beat me to it.
A bag of peas or corn works great, though.
All y’all bored-at-home people with so much time on your hands, maybe consider reaching out to your friendly local arts or PE teacher? Many of us have been suddenly tasked with creating online learn-at-home content for an entire school’s worth (or several schools’ worth) of students, spanning as many as 10 different grade levels…
Is there a way to connect all the “I make videos for fun” people with those of us who never made a video, and now suddenly have to create many, many videos, ideally every week? (Oh, it’s called “the internet” you say? I’ll look into it… As soon as I finish recording this video.)
They do look hungry.
Hmmm… PE arts…
Accept no substitutes.
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