Costco vodka with “a urinal puck vibe” recalled

Originally published at: Costco vodka with "a urinal puck vibe" recalled | Boing Boing


Apocryphal Urine Cake story time!:

Supposedly the reason we refer to these items as “cakes” traces back to Benjamin Franklin. While experimenting with the Franklin stove he baked a bunch of cookies that he eventually placed beside the outhouse for his guests. Apparently John Hancock accidentally knocked the plate into the urine pot, and presto, the cakes absorbed the smell. At least so goes the story. (one souce)

anyway… the urinal cake/puck/thingy smell (plus potential carcinogencity) all comes down to our old ‘friend’, ‘Mr Mothballs’: para-dichlorobenzene


I heard of a bar in CA that had a sign above the urinals: “Hippies, please don’t eat the mints”.

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just to be clear it is the French vodka (tall bottle with red glass bottom) that is rumored to be Grey Goose, not the cheaper American vodka (wider squatter bottle).


… or, that is, distilled alcohol is bad for us but only in the ordinary ways that we already knew about


It makes an excellent cleaner and disinfectant either way.

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