Councilman Kirby Delauter thinks journalists can't use his name without permission

Oh, that trick never works!


Google now showing 266,000 results. Good work, Kirby “de lout” Delauter!

Of course we all know he did this on purpose, and isn’t it cool how many people thought he did it because he is a stupid dork of a douchebag. Fooled them!!!

What relatively common but upsetting sexual act or related topic should we try to get Dan Savage to label a “Kirby Delauter”? I feel like it should involve gagging.


Look, I’d had a lovely supper, and all I said to my wife was “that piece of halibut was good enough for Kirby Delauter.”


It’s like a 8 year old’s soccer league. Everybody gets a trophy!


If you have to be named in an obituary, surviving relative is the best option. You should be happy.


Delaware is not just a border state, but has it’s own border. Northern Delaware is very “Northern” in it’s pace and lifestyle. In Eastern Pa, we call southern Delaware “slower Delaware” A 15 minute drive makes a world of difference. Good people on both sides, but different as night and day! Patty Duke reference.

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I live in Frederick County and I have to say that Kirby DeLauter is pretty universally seen as an idiot of the highest order. Same with the other a$$hat that tried to defend him, Billy Shreve. Both these men got elected by representing a part of the county that is extremely reactionary and conservative, but also a section of the county that is the smallest in population.

There used to be a third member of this moronic triumvirate, but thankfully he was voted out of office in the last election and his attempt to weasel his way back into local politics was shot down by the state’s attorney general as being fairly illegal.

I’m tickled pink seeing this story spread all throughout the universe, both here and CNN, and other news sites have been running it. The more bad press this doofus gets the better


the Harry Potter-esque “He Who Shall Not be Named.”

Harry Potteresque? Learn your Lovecraft, if not your Chambers and GWAR.


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