No it is not. George W. made some seriously ill-considered decisions regarding national security but he didn’t put Karl Motherfucking Rove in his National Security Council meetings, let alone above his highest ranking security and military advisors.
Mixing political advisors with national security advisors is not normal.
Sorry - I was being overbroad. I was referring to moving the DNI and CJCoS out of the “regular” Principals Committee attendee list to optional-as-needed.
So, describing this as an incompetent shitshow that bodes serious ill through the mechanism of putting the zampolit at the dive officer’s station… is that too broad or too allegorical?
Sorry if you felt “lectured”. As you could have seen from the puns, I wasn’t totally serious in that post.
(However, please don’t assume I would take my historical knowledge only from sources with an US-american bias, as I think you imply.)
I still would maintain that comparisons to the Nazi regime are neither very helpful, nor accurate. You can focus on parallels, but I think they are getting into the way.
To cope with the problem of a populist movement with neo-fascist tendencies it doesn’t seem to help.
The presence of Bannon in the White House does seem to me to be an extremely uncomfortable parallel with Goebbels, and to a degree Himmler, and it needs to be flagged up. Cheney, evil as he was, was at least in an election. Bannon has no democratic mandate whatsoever.
I think that people need to read history in order to understand the present, because the people that make the decisions usually do and are often following a playbook written long before. Everything I have read about or by Bannon suggests that he gets his ideas from the 1930s.
Off topic, but Trumpacolypse has totally upended my comment reading ritual, instead of starting at the oldest comments following the developing discussion, I find myself skipping to the end and reading backwards because the actual facts on the ground have invariably changed since the original article posting, and the early posts are all obsolete. Grrrrr.