COVID-19 was deployed as a weapon in globalist scheme to dethrone Trump, says Kari Lake

“They” killed how many of us?

Wait, who was it who completely fucked up the COVID response that allowed so many people to die again? That’s not on “them” for “pulling COVID on us”, that’s on him for doing a shit job of responding to it when there were months of warning that COVID was the real deal, entire government agencies such as the CDC and FDA at his disposal not to mention the WHO, the power of the DPA to ramp up production of PPE before supply chains all went to shit, and any other number of potential mitigations.

Instead he chose to bury his head in the sand, do nothing while blue states were the most impacted, dithered on using the DPA, ignored advisors at the CDC and FDA instead choosing to push pseudoscience and false remedies, refused to follow the accepted mitigations at the time (mask wearing, avoiding gatherings, etc), and continually showed more concern for the economy than for the health of citizens.

This is all on him, not “them”.


Also the rest of the world was dying and trying to fight the deathrates despite the misinformation spewing from Maga central but hey those deaths don’t matter as they were just brown people or furriners


Many people of the world would hope that the globalists will take down these looney right wing “news” outlets. After all they are the real potential global threats.



I was wondering if Fox News could be designated as a foreign agent, and shut down on espionage grounds.


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