Covidiot GOP state senator hospitalized after contracting Covid-19



We can only hope that she does.

No only will he not admit he was wrong, he’s actually claiming that people who are pointing out that he was wrong are extreme leftists hoping for his death.

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Sorry, I was just thinking about how many GOP folks, Trump especially but others too, have done so little to increase access to covid testing (infection or antibody), or actively wanted to limit it. Instead, if you can get a test at all, in most places here in the US you don’t find out the result for weeks, making it kinda useless. Also, thinking about how the GOP has spent generations making sure most Americans don’t have enough paid sick leave to actually stay home when sick, or reliable enough access to affordable health care to actually use it.

So when I read “Stop trying to quarantine the healthy” I think, “Well, we’d love to just quarantine the sick, that’d be awesome, most of the benefit and less total harm, but you’re a big part of why we can’t”

For once, he’s not entirely wrong.


Sure, go see what your god has to say.

“I gave you covid.”

Had to get my daughter tested Tuesday.

Test was free, wait was 15 minutes. Results (negative) came back within 32 hours (expectations set at 48 hours at the hospital).

It helps to live in Australia.

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Yesterday I learned that apparently New York has had that for a while now, and Massachusetts now gives you the option to get free slow testing or pay for fast turnaround testing. So there’s at least that.

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