Covidiot protestors vs. Antifa

But now video has surfaced of Ngo smiling and laughing with members of the far-right group Patriot Prayer shortly before they allegedly orchestrated an attack on a group of antifascists at a leftist bar in a separate incident in May. A female bar patron was knocked unconscious and said she suffered a fractured vertebrae.

In his coverage, Ngo framed the incident as an “antifa brawl” and did not mention that he was with members of Patriot Prayer as they donned body armor, helmets, and weapons before launching their alleged attack.

Ngo was filmed as Patriot Prayer planned an attack that led to the people Ngo was hanging out with breaking a woman’s spine and going to jail for it. Notice the lack of all of this pre-meditated violence at Cider Riot in Ngo’s “coverage” of the day.

He also doxxed the woman that was injured on Twitter and said she deserved the attack because she spoke out against that guy from google that wrote that manifesto about equality. Ngo was also lost his job when all this came out.

This was also the top google result for the event.


It’s also all on Ngo’s Wikipedia page. The article where he just lied a lot about Muslims, the co-ordination with Patriot Prayer to be their PR, the doxxing of a victim of Patriot Prayer and video of her assault. It could not be more plainly laid out.


Go fish.


If you scroll up you will notice that my main thesis is Antifa is equally pathetic and equally “grown manbabies” as the covidiots. And that they are violent thugs that don’t understand just how ironically fascist they are.


Could you please just link to a news story about the doxxing. That link just claims it with no data and I am having no luck finding any semi journalistic account of it. If it turns out to be true, then that would show him to be a terrible journalist and he should have been fired but in no way excuses a mob assault against him. Furthermore, trying to steer this thread from the original thread that the covidiots and the antifa mobs are both sad LARPErs towards a rehashing of the Andy Ngo event is transparent. Just like it was when some tried to steer it into the shallow end that is the Soros conspiracy theory. Neither Ngo (although I want to learn more about the doxxing incident without derrailment), nor funding sources are my point and both are a diversion from the subject.

Nah… of course violence is always problematic. No matter how good your reason is, there will always remain a question whether it was really necessary. In this sense, even people defending themselves against violent Neo-Nazis will always risk to be put in the wrong, when viewed through one lens or another. There is never a perfect excuse, and even one who comits an act of violence in perfect self-defenese, will always have to live with what they did, and questions like if it could have been avoided. There is no perfect justification for Antifa, I’ll concede that.

But to conclude from that, that both groups are functionally equivalent, like you do, no. Absolutely not. The right-wingers are the ones trying to exclude people, attacking them for what they are, and what they were born into, and take their basic and unalienable human rights from them. They also identify with movements that have been guilty of gross human rights violations, if not outright genocide. In their US flavor, they also have a penchant for carrying lethal weapons to their outings, that is not mirrored by the counter protesters, not by a long shot (bad pun).

Therefore, the overall view of both groups remains rather different. That carricature you posted shows two figures, and one of them adorns himself with the symbol of a movement that murdered ~20 million people mostly along racial criteria - and the other stands for the idea to oppose the people who promote racism and genocide, and do it violently if necessary. And even if you insist that last part is inacceptable and wrong, which I think you’re entitled to, I think you still have to admit that those are two very different things, that deserve to be viewed and treated different.

To how many people must one shout “I think the Jews and N** don’t deserve to live” until it is justified to shut them up? Ten? A Thousand? A million people? At some point, these words will cause actions, and therefore, a limit to free speech can be reached, even when someone doesn’t personally raise their hands against anybody.


I could not agree with you more that they are different and nobody can defend what the Nazis did any more than anyone can defend what Stalin did. My point was not to say antifa and right wing mobs are exactly the same but that antifa and the group of people dressed as soldiers standing outside the governor’s office to protest isolation are both pathetic cosplayers and not legitimate activists.

On this I can certainly understand and viceraly feel the allure of the thought of actually standing up to the Nazis before they got powerful. Who would not? The problem with this is twofold. First, looking back is easier than looking forward and stopping speech because of what may, pehaps, happen is wrong. Second, dont forget that the brownshirts shared a ton of features with Antifa and ended up putting Hitler and the fascists in power when their goal was to help the workers, unions, and comunist ideals.

I’d further clarify that the antifa causing property damage are the same kind of Black Bloc anarkiddies who tried to participate in anti-war, pro-immgrant and other progressive demos before the organisers wised up and told them to stay away. That’s already happened with some local antifa groups (there is nowhere near the central co-ordination among local antifa groups that goes on with these Covidiot protests, which are astroturfed by Libertarian and GOP groups).

I have a lot of contempt for anarkiddies, but as bad as they are they rarely initiate violence against others. They’re also entryists, in contrast to the the white nationalists who are enthusiastically welcomed into (if they aren’t already the core of) the astroturfed Covidiot protests. That’s before you get to core ideological values and causes – violence is a sine qua non for fascists.

The only people I see bending themselves into pretzels to make the false equivalence between antifa and the violent white supremacist and fascist thugs are members of the zentrum mainstream media (always willing to make every story one of “both sides”), conservative politicians (especially those who’ve been caught fraternising with neo-Nazis), and Libertarians and AynCaps (who are wont to deploy bad-faith arguments and absurd logical fallacies to “win” any debate). As I said in the original topic:


I am sure you are right about this, these miscreants are the ones I am reffering to. The problem then is that antifa’s amorphous nature, which has some powerful tactical advantages, lacks the leadership structure to stop or even curve the issue. An even bigger problem with their lack of structure is that the power vaccum will be filled, eventually, by someone and history has shown time and again that the ones most willing to use violence to further their goals will beat out the more level headed members of a group. That is just human nature. I was wondering, if you feel this way, why is your avatar a paramilitary insignia?

Is AynCap your favorite word? Mine is pumpernickle. [\Humor]

False equivalencies are false equivalencies. The objective risk and threats by those armed with assault weapons vs sticks are obvious.


“ Nationalist and Right Wing terrorists who, in turn, have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists. Keeping these numbers in perspective should help cut through the partisan spin after the Charlottesville terrorist attack.”


Not to ammosexuals, who have an affinity with right-wing populist thugs. Talk about banning AR-15s and these gunstrokers masquerading as advocates of liberty ask if you also want to ban swimming pools (“gotcha!”).

False equivalencies [ETA] and other bad-faith arguments are all they have.


Well, there’s also racism, misogyny and homophobia. They usually have those things too.


Any rational person would assess the threat based upon the actual risk and target enforcement where the greatest ability to save lives resides.

Though I’m sure there are people with affinity towards far right hate groups and who don’t see themselves as likely targets of those groups and their concerns about violence ends with their self interest. Still others agree with the objectives of those groups but are reluctant to state their actual feelings.

It’s also quite clear which groups have been increasing their violence over the last several years and their risk to the public is growing beyond the order of magnitude greater that previously existed for decades. It’s quite possible that rather than being 10 times more violent they’re now 50 or 100 times more violent over the last 3 years.


And the eternal go-to for these types, anti-Semitism: Soros and other Jewish puppetmasters introducing “alien ideas” like racial and gender equality and economic social justice into a great, Christ-fearing nation.

There’s a lot of delusion, even amongst some conservative Jews and LatinX people, that they’ll somehow be spared the wrath of fascists and bigots they make excuses for because they’re the “right kind” or the “good ones” or because they’re wealthy. It doesn’t work that way.

All after being enabled by mainstream conservatives and Libertarians. No-one except members of those groups still denies that white nationalist terrorism is a bigger threat in the U.S. than Islamist terrorism is, and no-one except members of those groups pretends that antifa are as bad as far-right thugs.


When you’ve lost Texas sheriffs on your “just demonstrating/not trying to threaten people” bullshit - your little show is closing.


Sorry but I don’t play the “what prior comment did I make” game. Especially when the one I responded to originally is off-thread.


Don’t forget these assholes:

Exactly like Antifa, right?


I’m sorry you are right.

You actually seem to hold the people they counter protest against in a higher esteem than Antifa. Glad you felt the need to clarify your issue is with Antifa and the covid 19 protesters while posting a comic equating Nazis and Antifa.


I asked in good faith but so be it.