Crazed Marjorie Taylor Greene shouts at Capitol steps — "absolutely calling" to oust Speaker Johnson (video)

Can someone please move to expel Greene from the House before she can move to vacate the chair?


Donald Glover Yes GIF

But to MTG and the rest of the hatefactory, there is nothing worse than bipartisanship that isn’t the democrats just doing exactly what the far right want them to do. Preferable, the Democrats would just stop existing as a party, and the MAGA wing of the GOP would do whatever they wanted.


The Republicans have what now, like a two-vote majority now? We just need like three of 'em to vote “present” and the Hakeem Jefferies era can begin.


i’m pretty sure the Dems announced last week that should a move to vacate come along, they were ready to vote to keep him, because yeah, he actually is someone who is at least open to discussion and getting things done.


And FWIW I agree with them. Now that a GOP Speaker has relented and helped pass the several needed aid bills, the Democrats have reaped the benefit of their very united stance of not rewarding dysfunction. The other side of that makes sense, where they are rewarding function.


Yes, that’s correct, but there’s more than one way to do that. What I’m reading today is that there’s a way for them to vote to “table the motion” without anyone actually having to go on the record supporting the guy.

One of the deranged things that MTG was going on about recently was saying that she was looking forward to seeing Democrats having to defend their votes in blue districts to “elect Mike Johnson Speaker.” Tabling the motion is a more indirect way to keep him in that position without technically voting “for” him.


ahh, clever. checkmate, Marjorie!


One senior House Democrat was just quoted as saying “she is about to realize her inevitable irrelevance.” Once her threat is shown to be completely powerless both sides will finally be free to ignore her, and there’s nothing that hurts an attention-craving politician more than that.


Would that also mean the Democrats could bring it back at most any future time they chose??

If so, that would be splendid.


What’s that quote? Oh yes: “I’d pay good money if she’d just shut up.”


Did anybody call animal control this morning?

Rabies is real.


Poor Jace. Hasn’t he been through enough?!


I assume this is sung to Particle Man?


Last October, when margarine trailer green was finally getting the censure it so richly deserves, my BF composed a tasteful limerick in its dishonor:

marjorie taylor green
died of a ruptured spleen
Upon removal, they said
it was as big as her head
and had made her unnaturally mean


is this same thing somehow a new story every day

I like how she thinks this is four dimensional chess

“I can’t wait to see Democrats go out and support a Republican speaker and have to go home to their primaries and have to run for Congress again, having supported a Republican speaker, a ‘Christian conservative’ [her air quotes, not mine],”

But it will fail because the majority of Democrats can do things like read news and understand what’s going on. And those unable to read news/understand the nuance will understand that if She’s for it, it’s not a good idea.

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That, and the first word in the headline is redundant.


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