Creepy dolls, magic spell bottle, barnacle-encrusted bible, and other bizarre beach detritus to be auctioned off in environmental benefit

Originally published at: Creepy dolls, magic spell bottle, barnacle-encrusted bible, and other bizarre beach detritus to be auctioned off in environmental benefit | Boing Boing

Hopefully Last Week Tonight with John Oliver being on hiatus due to the writer’s strike won’t preclude him from bidding on some of these items. He’s already spoken about the dolls in a web exclusive and some of them have already been disposed of.

I did a double-take when I saw that header image because I just watched Hereditary last night.

When I was a kid I found a Zippo lighter on the beach and was able to exchange it for a new one.

Kind of regret doing that. The battered, rusted, encrusted one, though unusable, had a cool look, and, hey, who knows how much it might go for at auction?

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I occasionally visit a very long beach just south of Bristol, on the Bristol Channel, which is around eleven miles long, and which has the second highest tidal rise and fall in the world, so you never know what random detritus might have been left behind on the last tide. One sunny day in July 2012, I came across this lot; this is exactly as I found it, it looks like a random art installation.

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I found this on a beach once. Does it being Country & Western’s Greatest Hits lower the value, or…

But does it play?

No, the casing was empty, not even a hermit crab inside.

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