Creepy poster of Trump's kids

I guess they figured four year old pictures were good enough. It makes it all more absurd - the "young people’ for Trump are his kids who are also his employees and in a picture old enough that they seemed to be in the target demographic. Perhaps next we’ll get a poster with his kids wearing some racist halloween costume labeled $ethnic_group for Trump.


“The Trump kids look like the worst new wave revival band inspired by American Psycho”


The Grump family.





Is this American Psycho or is this The Sims?


Bwaahahahahahah… I’m going with


Replicants With A 36.4% Success Rate At Passing The Turing Test For Trump.


New courses at Trump University help you to hold in 90% more farts


Children of the Con.


I’m calling forced perspective bullshit on that last photo; they even lie when they kill animals.


The funny part that I think hasn’t been mentioned above is that Trump has not three but four adult children, one of whom has for no obvious reason been excluded: Tiffany.

It’s not like any of the three who made the cut have any particularly impressive educational or professional accomplishments to distinguish them from the missing Tiffany. All three of them live off of inherited wealth and, at best, do minor administrative work and perform ceremonial functions in the more legitimate portions of their father’s house of cards.


The thing about Blade Runner is that the Replicants could easily pass the Turing Test - they conversed naturally and had personalities and interests - but could not pass the Voight-Kampff test: they lacked empathy and had no instinct to protect the weak or help the helpless. Which seems entirely appropriate for Trumpspawn.


Obey them as you would me…


Does anyone anywhere believe that Trump was ever stuck with GOOD genetics? He lucked out being born into wealth, squandered. He was never attractive, his lineage so squirrelly that even marrying models hasn’t improved the quality of offspring.


Please, no slurs and name calling.
Snakes are charming and elegant creatures, but even if you don’t care for them they are creatures of nature and don’t deserve to be insulted.


Some allistic “experts” keep saying autistic people “lack empathy,” because we can’t read minds, we can’t always understand them, they can’t always understand us, and we don’t do facial expressions the same way.

As it is, autistic people face more violence, more discrimination, majority unemployment, shorter life expectancies, and for those diagnosed early, often abusive conversion treatments. (Lovaas also worked with Rekers on those other abusive conversion treatments.)

So this seems like trying to mock Donald Trump with the suggestion that he’s intersex, never mind intersex people, or to mock Anne Coulter with the suggestion that she’s trans, never mind trans people.




Warren wasn’t insulting autistic people. He was mocking Trump’s kids as being less capable of passing the Turing test than replicants are.


This is not like trying to mock autistic people, or intersex people, or anything of the sort. What we have here are a couple of elements:

  1. A creepy picture of three of Trump’s four adult children, one that many people have a viscerally uncomfortable reaction to. Somehow the photograph and the set dressing makes them appear unsympathetic and predatory.

  2. Much more substantively, their father (whom they support and enable) has a long history of preying upon the weak, whether it’s the Black people he denied housing; the undocumented laborers he underpaid, illegally housed on the construction site, and didn’t provide with protective equipment; the models he employed without proper immigration status and while ludicrously underpaying them and overcharging them for room and board; the vendors and subcontractors he refused to pay for services satisfactorily performed; the investors he left holding the bag as multiple projects went bankrupt, while he had cashed out or never bore any risk; and, of course, the poor saps he conned into handing over their life savings and going deep into debt for a little worthless patter from “Trump University”. And, amazingly, that’s just the more obvious or more recently prominent highlights …

So, when I talk about lacking an “instinct to protect the weak or help the helpless” it’s not whatever weird thing about Autism that you’ve imagined - it’s an attack on Trump’s richly documented record of victimizing the defenseless, which rapacious outlook many people find reflected in the uncanny-valley-failing photograph in the original post.

PS I don’t know a lot about autism, nor do I think I fully understand everything I do know. Still, I’ve never before seen anyone accuse autistic people of being inclined to evilly screw over everyone they can, just because they can get away with it. I don’t think that’s really an accurate description of autism, but you seem to be making that connection.


Except that, as I noted:

So, regardless of his intent, he was pushing the empathy trope which enables the violence against us, and other neurodivergent people, and… Some people have to ask themselves whether replicants are people. Lovaas decided autistics weren’t really people. So it’s fucking scary that some people think Blade Runner is a great movie posing deep questions.

he was talking about replicants and did never mention autism.