Creepy poster of Trump's kids

This made me look up “Chibi Cenobites” - I was not disappoint


OK, this is the best one :slight_smile:

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He looks like he’s struggling to keep his lips closed over his plastic vampire teeth.


Possibly. Although the only sure way to tell would be to see him smile.

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Ok, there are about 84 responses to this article at this point, I’ve gone through them all and can’t find mention of this so here it is: am I the only one who is bugged by the stray hair on the guy on the right? It’s like they neither took the time to oil it down with the rest of them, nor airbrushed it out after the shoot. Is it there strategically, to make me see them as human and real? I don’t get it.


To recycle my twitter comment:


Join us. Only we can protect you when Father begins The Cleansing.



The Trump Boys both look like real-life Simpsons characters…


As a stepmom, I worry about Donald’s older sons, who remind me of Teletubbies dressed up as eighties stockbrokers. I once asked Donald, “With all your money, can’t you buy those boys chins?” Eric and Donald, Jr., love to go hunting in Africa and slaughter beautiful animals for sport. As I told my trainer, “They keep trying to make their father notice them. But he still calls them Thing One and Thing Two.”

-from Melania’s Diary


He’s got that deformity where his teeth struggle to fit in his mouth, leading to this ‘cat’s arse’ look when he tries to keep his lips together.

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The disturbing irony with that is that Ivanka converted to Judaism… but, hey, Himmler and the others in that inner circle often had their pet Jews that they saved for various personal reasons.

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Or maybe his teeth and his internal organs are desperately trying to flee, and he has to keep his mouth closed to keep them from escaping?

I don’t know! That’s just what people are saying!


One of my sweeties stated that they looked familiar for some reason, especially the female on the left side of the poster. After a minute or so of discussion, she had it. One Google search later …

“Diana” from V … someone hold up a rodent and see if she goes for it. Just watch your fingers, alright?

(Credit to my sweetie for pointing this one out.)


I think these cute kids are being judged a little too harshly. They seem likable enough, and hardly creepy at all.


OK. That’s the scariest one (other than the original) yet.


This one’s even worse:

Eric looks malevolent. Imagine what he could get away with as son of the POTUS.


Plus, look at the way the sentences were structured:

Republican vs. Democrat
Insider vs. Outsider

Reading through it without stopping to think about it, it suggests that the Republican is the insider and the Democrat is the outsider. Which is precisely the opposite of the message they’re trying to convey. Sloppy work.

On a different note, would it be safe to assume they were paid for the use of their images, and that the money came from the campaign fund?


[quote=“Trogdor, post:97, topic:84660”]
On a different note, would it be safe to assume they were paid for the use of their images, and that the money came from the campaign fund?
[/quote]Quality kids are not that easy to come by, and of course, they don’t come cheap.

Scrimp on the photographer, the graphic designer, the copywriter, the media specialist, but . . . NOT THE KIDS. These kids were grown right here in America.


I’ll just leave this here…

I love number 4.


I’m partial to “Children of the Con” myself :smile: