Originally published at: Crow found holding unidentified human's fingers in its beak | Boing Boing
Awesome typo.
Gruesome story
It is a Turkish message; it means “Ahmet Mustafa is food for the crows.”
They’re working with the orcas.
don’t mess with crows, this was a warning
What, no clever quip?
when a cow landed at his feet
ETA: I fluv Cow. She’s awesome!
Quoth the Crow “Now there’re four.”
Crow found holding unidentified human’s fingers in its beak
I misread that as “Crowd Funding holding unidentified human finger.”
Would have been neat if the crow used one of the fingers to point out the killers…
Left it with a security guard, as I guess cops and security guards look similar from the sky. And they’re not your species.
But what did the crow want? Don’t they usually bring you things for trade?
One of the (many) things I love about crows is that a simple, common typo can instantly turn stories about them surreal and hilarious.
I see what you did there…
Seasoned detectives from the Homicide Bureau have joined the investigation
Allspice, anise, black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, coriander, haspir, isot, mahlep, mastic, and cumin are all commonly used on Turkish detectives.