Paul Mahaffy, director of the Solar System Exploration Division at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland
Jen Eigenbrode, a research scientist at the Goddard center;
Chris Webster, a senior research fellow at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California;
Ashwin Vasavada, NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory project scientist at JPL. (Mars Science Laboratory is the full name of the Curiosity rover’s $2.5 billion mission.)
Jennifer Eigenbrode is a biogeochemist and geologist with expertise in organic and isotope biogeochemistry and interests in astrobiology.
Dr. Christopher R. Webster is a JPL Fellow and Senior Research Scientist […] he has pioneered the application of tunable laser spectroscopy to a wide variety of research in molecular structure, photochemistry, electrical discharge physics, and especially Earth atmospheric science emphasizing polar ozone, cloud physics and tropical transport.