Dad joke turns into a Hugh Mungus meme

It does look like he was pointing to his stomach when he said he was Hugh Mungus, but the video didn’t really show it all that well.


I guess that, if he had been filmed in landscape format, it could be viewed as coded Fattism.


The sad and terrible truth is that in the history of western civilization at least one or two poor bastards probably really were named “Ben Dover.”


Just because a racist starts using a meme doesn’t mean they have redefined its use forever more. I don’t hang around with racists online so haven’t seen any racist harambe memes day to day (did look some up just now to see what you’re on about), there is still lots of regular non-racist harambe shit being churned out (most recent thing I saw was an electronic music festival in Houston will have a Harambe hologram). Harambe memes need to die though, not because some racists may have used them, just because they’ve outlived their welcome, like datboi. All memes have a shelf life, and the more popular they become the quicker they burn out.


:weary: She’s going to be a Useful Idiot For The Right now. She’s going to be the person that the MRAs and others point to and say, “see, sexual harassment means nothing, it’s just these crazy women trying to pick fights”. And because this guy is pro-cop, anyone who criticizes any cops anywhere will be shown this video and told that the protesters have no real point and are just spoiling for a fight. She’s right fucked it.


I didn’t say it did. I said it was being redefined right now by the people trying to co-opt it into their own personal in-joke. I’d say we should combat it by encouraging non-racist use of the meme, but I find the Harambe thing fucking abhorrent anyway, so I’d rather it burnt out sooner than not.

The context of what I was responding to was the statement “Like Harambe, the Hugh Mungus meme works for all political persuasions.” Right now the Trump folks are gleefully making harambe one of their Twitter handshakes, so I disagree.


The first three minutes of the video look like terrible bullying to me.


Why can’t I find Amanda Hugginkiss?


I have no idea if that guy is as much of a ***ist or ***ian as she apparently seems to think he is, but watching the video, his initial joke is clearly no more offensive than “You want to know my name? Get used to disappointment”. Everything after that is just him taking the piss out of an angry, hypersensitive protester who is itching for a fight and doesn’t know when to stop digging.

I also have no idea if she really is such a crank, but this video does her no favors. I’m neither concern trolling nor tone-policing when I say that situations like this - when people who are clearly trying to make positive change in the world are either so angry, so stupid, or so far into the fringe extreme that they freak the fuck out in an almost pathological overreaction - are extremely disappointing to me.


One of you guys has got to be Homer Sexual


Maybe your standards are too high.


My thoughts exactly. He just saw a hostile person and wanted her out of his face. He probably had no idea that she would blow up like that, but he couldn’t have been too displeased with the result.


Damn it, it’s Benjamin! (up yours, dad!)


What is this ‘film’ you speak of?


I was reading an interesting thread on the reddits about a term female staffers in the Obama administration used to describe “amplification”:

When a woman made a key point, other women would repeat it, giving credit to its author. This forced the men in the room to recognize the contribution — and denied them the chance to claim the idea as their own.

I don’t know why that seemed to fit here to me. The protestor seems to be trying to amplify behavior she finds reprehensible … but some how it fails for at least some of the people that use this.

It is like amplification is only effective if the message is positive. Otherwise is preaching to the choir too loudly while digging in the heels of your adversary.

“Dig deeper trenches” eventually makes a big grave.


Some people are looking to be insulted. Not that they cannot be genuinely insulted or that anything said to them is not is truly an insult…but they LOOK to be insulted. They want it. They crave it. Its like they have a form of Munchausen syndrome. They seem to have to find insult or personal attack to justify how they feel or something.

At no point did she act like a rationale person and stop and ask…“Are you telling me your first name is in fact Hugh (h-u-g-h)?..ok har har, I get it Captain I gots jokes.”

Some people just want to see the world burn


Yes, sadly so. It’s started already with the video of her being titled “Crazy Feminist Gets Triggered”. She’s not a crazy feminist (or if she is, her being a feminism isn’t the point). She’s just kinda crazy.


I don’t want to live in a world where juvenile humor is considered sexual harassment.

What next, banning I. P. Freely?
Amanda Huggenkiss?
Al Coholic?
Oliver Klozoff?
Seymour Butz?
Hugh Jass?


Am I the only one who’s furious with her for trivializing sexual harassment to score cheap points? Even if she started off thinking it was sexual harassment, there was a point somewhere in the time before she made a Facebook post where something clicked for her but she chose to ignore it.


Welcome to the forums :smiley: