Dallas cop charged with manslaughter after killing neighbor in his apartment

New twist. Apparently, those apartments have auto-locking doors that will light up red if the wrong key is inserted.

So, there’s the step where her key wouldn’t work, that is conveniently being ignored by the PD alongside the door mat and the address.

Yeah. Something stinks to high heaven. Fuck, even the drunk guy trying to get into my apartment a couple of years ago gave up after a couple of attempts and realised he was on the wrong floor. Yet somehow, she couldn’t figure it out with all these clues? This reeks of cover-up. Needs to be more than just her up on charges. And she needs to be up on a lot more.


Give her a break! It’s only her second shooting in five years. It’s not like she killed two rich White people.


Apparently it’s been bubbling under for a while, with white supremacists seen flashing it then claiming that it’s just an “okay” sign, but it’s really surfaced during the Kavanaugh hearing this week when his aide Zina Bash flashed it to her homies, twice.

That first one may have been an “okay”, but then why hide the second one?


It is like Rashomon, only with a single “witness” to the murder. :frowning:

@Nelsie That hand symbol looks like an offer of masturbatory sex to me; which makes it even more disturbing when Donald Trump does it.


But some people still insist that we are a nation founded on Judeo-Christian values. The same people who will totally justify this killing.


Right so from HIS perspective, someone walked into his dark living room and began shouting things at him. Someone that he had even less chance of seeing clearly, if she was in the doorway of a dark room with a lit hallway behind her.

Would you comply with that person? I am pretty sure I wouldn’t. I’d be baffled, mostly, as to what was going on.


It gets murkier. The affidavit filed by investigators to get a warrant to search the apartment says he “confronted the officer at the door” while she was trying to use her keys to enter.


I’m sure she’s trying to tell the story that makes her look good. But there just isn’t one.


I am aware of the “ok” sign being disparaged, but 1) it started as a driving trollies joke that some racists have latched on to, but it by no means has a wide enough use to be considered a white power sign.

  1. It probably never will be one in the sense that it is too widely used by normal people. Just like “88” is common enough in the wild it can’t be considered racist in most contexts. Like if racists start flipping the bird, that doesn’t make it racist in every context.

  2. Speaking of flipping the bird, how many photos can you find of people unintentionally flipping the bird? In the case of Zina Bash most likely her arm/hand was just in that position and nothing more.

OK this one might be intentional…

Given that the only person who could contradict her is dead, and that she has a very powerful motive to lie, I would accord her testimony exactly zero credence.

Her sworn affidavit about the events is not worth the paper it’s printed on. The only evidence I would accord any credence would be that of neighbors, and forensics within the apartment.


I agree that lots of “pro life” Christians are hypocrites when it comes to the death penalty, war, police violence, and so on, however, “thou shalt not kill” is a well known mistranslation from the King James version of the bible. The accurate translation is “do not murder,” rather than no killing. The Old Testament god is very much in favor of killing, and commands it frequently, both as punishment, for disobedient children, adulterers, blasphemers, etc., and also in the form of genocide.


So she was surprised by his presence in a number of different places?

She bumped the door open into a dark empty hallway and also had to push past him to get in?

One of these people was obviously traveling through time in a nonstandard direction.


Somehow her mother wearing an All Lives Matter shirt is completely utterly totally unsurprising.


We put very prominent house numbers next to the door, and make sure they are well illuminated.

The one on the bottom, where her arms are folded, is the one that started the controversy. The one where she is holding up the “OK” sign is her trolling, and came after the accusations were made.

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No. While I could maybe buy folding the index finger that way while folding her arms (though it’s just a little unusual way to fold your arms), making the “O” with thumb and forefinger isn’t a spontaneous gesture. And the context, man, the context.

This isn’t some random person caught on camera accidentally. This is the former Special Assistant to the President for regulatory reform, legal and immigration policy; a President who is at best a lazy racist who appoints total racists to influential positions — such as Attorney General, for example, senior policy advisor, chief strategist, and doubtless others I’m too tired to look up right now — and who engages in naked racism at his rallies. Remember “Good people on both sides”?

Even if she’s just driving trollies the SJWs, she was well aware of what she was doing.


This conversation is divided into two groups of people-- people who either live in, or remember living in anonymous cubbyholes (possibly even a dorm), and those who don’t.

I, for one, live in an anonymous cubbyhole. Off by one errors aren’t unheard of.

My house was up for sale, so there was a realtor lockbox on the door. You can guess the outcome. Let’s just say that meeting me in my living room in my underwear was instant justice for the realtor and his customers, who needed to look at the house at 10:00 pm and “thought it was empty”.