It’s an instruction board! WTF!
That’s an odd looking butt!
The butt is in the 4th panel.
Man, these deer are a lot more aggressive than our local white tail variety.
Because there are signs put up to teach them.
Give a white tail or mulie some basic hand to hand combat training and it’s over.
shouldn’t this be hoof to hoof combat?
Christ on a bike! That’s what I was referring to in this post, guess no one remembers the movie that scared the bejezus out of me as a child.
danger danger “Will Robinson!”
I love that film and it scared the bejesus out of Joe Dante too.
I am still creeped out by ants.
There is literally more weight in ants now than there ever was in humans, dead and now.
Crawl on that.
That may or may not be true, but I can still grab one with a piece of tissue and fling it outside or flush it down the toilet. Who’s the boss now?!
One ant per tissue?
You are single-handedly destroying trees and the environment with every swipe.
Crush them with the flesh of your skin/muscle/bone/sinew.
Their juices won’t harm your semi-permeable barrier…
Trust me.
I said a piece, I meant a small bit of a corner of one.
P.S. We’ve all been guilty of the “multi-rolled-paper-to-dispatch-said-bug!”
okey dokey.
;), I said.
I meant , but I often forget those are there to use.
I don’t know the difference…