DARE: feel-good bullshit that made it more likely kids would take drugs

Nope, I’m waiting. Yeah, just me.

Well my only buzz was at Pink Floyd long long ago cause there was that damn much in the air and it was a nice happy feeling, I get why people would smoke it. Though I still have yet to actually go get any. I jokingly tell the kid it is only bad if he doesn’t share with mom and dad as he honestly has no desire to try it. (yet anyway)

I live here and I still haven’t ever tried. I’ve also visited Amsterdam a few times.

Is ‘I’ve never tried marijuana’ the new ‘I don’t own a TV’?


Damn, yet another boat I’ve missed for good.


While I have never used marijuana, I certainly used to go to concerts of local bands held in an old farmer’s market that was probably 30 by 40 feet. II imagine smoke visibly wafted out when someone opened the door.

Or just add a comma and not change anything.
Drugs, Abuse Resistance education.

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