Das Keyboard, a chunky, clicky, satisfying keyboard

Would that be a SPACE CADET Keyboard?

Basically, yes. Depends who you ask. Some refer to the pre-Symbolics versions as Space Cadet, some refer to the later symbolics units also. There are some minor differences. This early Symbolics qualifies, I’d say, but not their later beige ones.

This is one of the few areas where things accidentally worked out better for us lefties. I’m curious if @jerwin’s suggestion would work for you, or if it would be as counter intuitive as a “left handed can opener” is for me.

I would buy this keyboard except for 2 reasons:

  1. It’s ugly as hell.
  2. It costs too much

After months of searching high and low, I’ve found the very best keyboard for PC’s is the Apple keyboard:

This, yes. Offsets the purchase price very well.

It’s still a rubber dome keyboard and if you are judging on tactile feedback rather than asthetics then the old non-chiclet Thinkpad/NMB PS/2 keyboards are generally regarded as being better. I used to have one until I spilled Irn-Bru on it :frowning:

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Yeah, way expensive. My cheap Dell clicky keyboards does fine.

You may scoff all you want, but I love mine. I really dislike those cheap ‘modern’ keyboards.

I remember using the Model M over a decade ago on a specific project with hardware provided by IBM. That was the only time I ever looked at a keyboard and said “this is professional stuff”. I am glad it is still being made and will spend some money on it. Thanks a lot!

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