I couldn’t agree more about the Last Jedi. I thought the Force Awakens was ok, but arguably just a re-telling of the same plot from a New Hope. I loved the Last Jedi and its message that anyone can be the hero. I didn’t find much of anything redeemable about the Rise of Skywalker.
I was going to reply with an “It’s a trap!!” GIF but maybe it’s better just to run away from this whole argument rather than engage. Some people just won’t be convinced that some of the earlier stuff was really bad no matter what.
Just do ‘Heir to the Empire’ and some combination of Dark Force Rising and the Last Command but use Rey and the new squad. It will literally be great. Just no more Mary Sue, make the characters work for it and make them change. Do some cool new dark wizard stuff (from the books). Do some cool new space battles (from the books). Add in some Jedi and Sith relics and myth. Make sure your bad guys are truly impressive and worthy (Thrawn and Joruus).
The cries of Mary Sue are weird, because Luke and Rey have almost EXACTLY the same character development, do exactly the same things, and act exactly the same ways… so why doesn’t the guy character get that critique?
Luke didn’t have to work for it, he was an ace fighter pilot from the start. He learned all the force stuff and light saber dueling in a montage. And you think he earned it? But Rey didn’t, despite almost EXACTLY the same character development and scenes?
Character arc and endpoint is the same, but Rey never had an ‘Empire Dagobah Yoda’ sequence where she learned the force. There was no try, only do. She just magically new how to jedi and defeated a Jedi master and a Sith lord. She was never shown as immature in any way, just consistently superior. This broke the character arc in several ways, making her an unbelievable Mary Sue.
Ren forces a Force mind link with Rey that leaves things behind. Otherwise, according to writers involved, Luke was on Dagobah for two weeks before being told by Yoda that he needed no more training. Couple that with Rey’s week of the force and I see them being about equal.
They both “mastered” tasks that took lifetimes for others to train in the matter of days. They’re either both unbelievable, or neither. This Mary Sue thing seems to only apply to women, though.
Luke wanted to join the Empire. One old wizard dude tells him some technically kinda, mostly true shit about his dad, and now he’s a rebel hero? No. Leia wanted to free the galaxy, Luke at most wanted to protect his friends, and his whole instant desire to become a monk in a religious order he doesn’t know shit about is weird through all 3 movies and barely jives. “I am a jedi, now someone tell me what that means!”