"Dear Abby" to harassed waitress: keep your sense of humor and stand out of reach

Oh my. The horror of labor day weekend comes rushing back all at once.

I took a trip to Toronto with a couple of guy friends of mine (one who is gay, even), and in the process of our normal guy-banter offended a number of bartenders/waitresses by saying normal guy rough talk stuff at the exact, inopportune moment they were walking by.

(Thankfully, only one actually thought it was directed at her; we were properly apologetic after a good laugh at the death glare she gave the guilty party member)

I just had a really simple question enter my mind: Take the total restaurant tabs from any establishment, derive 15% of that number, and divide it among the staff as wages. How much per hour would they then be making?

Fortunately, the statute of limitations for tampering with the mail is 5 years.


So what you’re saying is this: http://boingboing.net/2015/09/03/listen-to-sheriffs-deputies.html
is really just “normal guy rough talk stuff” then and we should all just lighten up and take a joke?

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Not at all. Please don’t jump to conclusions.

If you would like to hear exactly what was said before you do so, please feel free to PM me.

*To be fair, really only the first bartender was offended, and rightfully so since she thought it was directed at her in a skeezy way (it wasn’t directed at anyone, at all). All were indeed sexual in nature, but broadly technical or preferential with regards to acts. Not our finest hour, but certainly not towing the misogynist line.

Nah, I don’t need a PM, thanks.

Boys will be boys amiright? It was just silly talk, right? /sigh

Honestly, I think back to this tumblr post so often I want to get it made into a poster.


Without knowing what was said, you shouldn’t pass judgement.

We were discussing sex. Women do that too, in much the same way when they get together for drinks. Similarly, many find it embarrassing to do so in front of the other gender and/or complete strangers.

But, I don’t suppose you let that stop you from taking the soapbox.

No soap box, real question: why did you bring up this anecdote on a thread about the abuse/harassment servers suffer though?


The same reason I make many comments: I thought it amusing and tangential.

Oh my. The horror of labor day weekend comes rushing back all at once.

Probably should have quit here.

Was I trying to make a broader point about gendered server-customer interactions? Nope.

I know people enjoy schadenfreude here, so I posted a recent tale of shame.

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I hadn’t read that before (Cahones!? That made me snort). Amy Schumer has a sketch in a similar vein that is quite funny if you like uncomfortable humor :smile:


Its my go-to for so many things. Seriously, I love it. I’ve reblogged that dozens of times. :slight_smile: Its just so perfect.
“The wings are good!”


(Also, is that a tacit admission that you really were just looking for a chance to step on the soapbox? As you haven’t messaged me for the full story, it seems to be the case.)

I already said I didn’t want PMs…? I don’t really see the point of talking about something publicly but only giving details privately? And I didn’t soapbox you? How is that an insult anyways? Why have you got me talking only in questions?


Would you like to ask some more in the Questions Thread?


I dunno… would I? :wink:


I must have missed where you said you don’t do PM’s. Sorry for that.

It’s obvious why I wouldn’t want to publicly post what already was publicly embarrassing.

Your narrative began with judging me to be a misogynist, and then linking to a bunch of posts about misogyny. I’m not sure how else I should read it, but I felt insulted. I was not trying to insult you by making that accusation.

Like, my second reply dude…
And we’re done, thanks for chatting, its been real.

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Much more than your second reply.

It’s been something.

Something something NOT ALL CUSTOMERS something.


Yeah, if it’s going to offended people who walk by in the course of their job duties, where they work, maybe you might want to rethink what you think is “normal”.