Debris was found in area where Titan sub went missing

In case anyone imagines this is hyperbole:


I heard his portfolio is unsinkable!

I heard that the COE declared the sub unsinkable!


Angler food

fish candy GIF by Trolli

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That, unfortunately, is why it doesn’t get that much attention. Nobody, doubly unfortunately, is surprised when a lot of refugees drown in the Mediterranean. It’s a tragedy, but it’s not news, not in the same fashion as “Contact lost with a tourist sub going to visit the wreck of Titanic” is. :frowning:



Probably not intact enough even for that. I saw someone talking about how implosions on diesel subs turned crew into an added liquid component of the fuel-air mixture… So… copepod food, maybe


… but if they were rich white migrants :thinking:


the reason it doesn’t get attention is because it’s happening to poor people, mostly of color, and who are not Christians. It’s the same old well-worn racism and bigotry at play.

And yes, it IS news. Just because the media drags their feet on covering it, doesn’t mean it isn’t newswrothy. If we focused on it, we might actually be able to start working towards a solution to these immigration problems, both here in the US and in Europe. but that’s the thing - it’s far too useful a wedge issue for those in power. THAT is why it does not get solved.

The migrant crisis matters more than this shit. It deals with our past, how that shapes the politics of the global south, our shared environmental crisis and a whole host of other things. This was some rich dudes who decided that innovation and “rich people tourism” was more important than safety. They believed that their wealth and privilege would somehow insulate them from the realities of a harsh environment… they were clearly wrong.


Ok, not even copepod food…

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