Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/06/14/defense-contractors-are-making.html
I’m okay at this point with using the word ‘evil’.
Let’s recognize that these fuckers are basically sanctioning slavery. Internment camps are NOT FUCKING OKAY and ones meant for children are straight up EVIL.
This is so very fucked up. I so hope corporate tv cameras get into these places and expose this mendacious cruelty. My hopes aren’t high, but perhaps the spectacle will spark their profit-driven interest.
They’ve been preparing for this ever since Trump was elected.
Reporting from February 2017:
Here we are friends and neighbors, Nazi Germany in our own USA’s backyard. Get your pitchforks & torches ready! #trumpcamps
Well, what do you propose he do instead?
If I was a single parent who committed a crime and could not raise bail - MY kids would be taken for foster care.
Does being a foreign national entitle one to special treatment? Do our laws only apply to citizens? Know of any other country conducting it’s affairs like that?
Or is it just possible that you need to step outside of your own religious groupthink?
Some in this country don’t like potheads or druggies, but still find it abhorrent that government could take away a citizen’s liberty and vote for a non violent crime. So it’s clear there is no shortage of space if we just quit abusing citizens. United States has plenty of prisons…
Free them all! Install immigrants in their place. Taxpayers would be fine with that. Even if those prisons were operated by the slimeball prison industrial complex.
They’re immoral not amoral.
Amoral means the person has no concept of what their doing is wrong or has a diminished capacity in regards to discerning right and wrong.
Immoral means they know the difference and consciously choose to act otherwise.
Wow. Just wow.
Well not quite. Maybe more like the USA’s own internment camps for our very own citizens not so long ago.
There is a difference between civil and criminal violation of the law. For years we have treated people who come here illegally civilly. They were simply deported. And up to now, the policy was to keep families together, because that’s the way humans should treat other humans.
An example of the difference between a civil vs. criminal act, using your own example of ‘potheads or druggies’:
Most States have decriminalized possession of marijuana up to a certain amount for personal use. Anyone caught in DC, for example, with less than an ounce of the good stuff will be given a citation, and the police will most likely confiscate their weed (for personal use). Anyone caught in DC with a pound of it will be arrested for selling, because nobody can smoke that much by themselves (they should be sharing).
Treating people like criminals when they have done no harm, punishing them without due process and especially hurting their children is cruel and something only a person with no compassion could do.
What if you were instead a single parent fleeing oppression who presented yourself and child at the U.S. border to ask for asylum (an internationally recognized non-criminal act)?
Put all immigrants in prison? Why would you want to do that? Do you know what it costs to run a prison?
It wouldn’t be one of this regime’s programmes if some crony wasn’t wetting his beak.
You’re not even trying to make complete sentences are you?

You’re not even trying to make complete sentences are you?
I know many immigrants who write better than your average Nativist. They also tend to know a lot more about civics.
com·pas·sion (kəm-păsh′ən)
n. Deep awareness of the suffering of another accompanied by the wish to relieve it.
For your edification. We hope.
May in part a hearty go fuck yourself, and crack open a history book for once in your life.

crack open a history book for once in your life.
Book learning’s for libruls and postmodern neo Marxists who want to help spread (((alien))) ideas, not for Real Americans™.