Defiant rancher in Nevada beloved by militia groups is a horrible racist, surprising approximately nobody

Some of those militia types manning the overpasses at Bunkerville look to be in their thirties. You not personally knowing any overtly bigoted Xers or Millennials says more about the social circles you run in than it does about those generations overall. Yes, attitudes are changing over time, as always, but it’s a mistake to think that bigotry is entirely the purview of doddering old cranks.


The fear is that this is just because people of the milenial generation are MORE politically self-segregated than they used to be. Certainly there seem to have been a fair number of well-armed people who responded to Bundy’s anti-government dog-whistle. The correlation between anti-government and racist isn’t 100% but it’s certainly more than random. But it has always been both political extremes that are most afraid of government power because those whose views are most unpopular have the most to fear from the majority. The “libertarian” movement is to some extant an attempt to join both ends together in common cause against the middle. A healthy suspicion of the government’s power is a good thing, but the sort of negationary and denialist rhetoric of Bundy is no more the voice of freedom than that of the weather underground or the red army.


Colonel Sanchez? What does… I don’t understand that at all.

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One indicator of how loopy this ordeal has become: Glenn Beck is now the voice of reason.


On the other hand, he and his ilk seem to be opposed to the sort of rights that could be enforced by courts.

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I don’t understand it either… Honestly I don’t want to know… Lol

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What he’s trying to say is that unemployment as observed with aforementioned group of unfortunate individuals not only creates misery and despair, it allows the time for the affected to cogitate upon their inauspicious situation which creates moral stress and leads to desperation and depression, a situation that could be counteracted upon with basic labor to keep these members of our unjust society occupied and bring a sense of accomplishment and usefulness to their life which would ultimately create more happiness and satisfaction than forcing them to loaf about ever could.

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But is is to ‘hard’ to not speak of other adults like they are your children, the way this Nevadan dickhead has done here, to African Americans? Is the implicit infantilziation accidental, or an avoidable affectation?

Who is playing dumb?

No other nation does demented argle-bargle quite as well as America.


suffering Christ-like figure

The title reads “horrible racist” not “horrible person”
Also, there’s a video right there were you can watch and hear him say these things.
I don’t want him to be run over by a tank, but I also don’t want to hold him up as an example of a true freedom.


Bet y’all didn’t know Cliven was in the movies back in the day:

Fair point. He actually sounds like he’s pretty good at being a racist.


I worry he’s going to get a book deal and reality show out of this.

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He could be speaking in another language that uses the same strings of phonemes that are spaced in exactly the same way and uttered with the same cadence but actually refer to fixing residue buildup on the second side of klein bottle shaped toilets.

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Yes, he seems to epitomize certain qualities that definitely go along with being a human.

Yeah, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed that the more people acknowledge that they’re wrong and they’re behaving shitty, the less acceptable behaviors are. Just look at some of the things the BoingBoing crowd has decided are horribly offensive over the past couple of years.

And the kicker is that many of the old, much less acceptable behavior is there. It’s easier to bully a nice, but imperfect, person (i.e. a human being) for a microaggression than it is to go after the horrible people who might be armed…

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This is a variant of the time-tested formula:

“I don’t want to sound racial/racialist/racist” + “but” + [insert something racist]

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Oh, snap.

See, even though I love BoingBoing, when it comes to news stories about politically-charged stuff, they seem to jump at something, then do the homework so that they can stick it to the naysayers.

That headline, and sentiment, really reminds me of far-right news websites, and I’m not even joking. Hey, look, we found some Communists at Occupy Wall Street, to the surprise of no one. There’s reports of multiple rapes at Occupy protests; who’s surprised? Hey, look they had to set up rape tents! What, to have more? Har-har, dumb. Look, Obama supports OWS? He would, he was indoctrinated by Frank Marshal! God Damn America! (Yes, they still bring that up on occasion.) And so on.

Ugh, I feel a little sick after that.

Then again, how far down the rabbit hole has the far right gone? Apparently Bill O’Reilly is a horrible lefty now.


But this report surprised approximately nobody, which of course means we knew he was. I mean, he’s a rural rancher from flyover country and he’s mad at the government for reasons other than wiretapping, net neutrality, affirmative action, the CIA, or Snowden. That’s all you need to know.