Defiant rancher in Nevada beloved by militia groups is a horrible racist, surprising approximately nobody

No doubt.

Using the word ā€œNegroā€ instead of ā€œblackā€ may just mean heā€™s old and hasnā€™t been paying attention in the last 40 years.

But saying ā€œI want to tell you one more thing I know about the {Negro|black|African-American|some-other-term}"? Dudeā€™s a racist.

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Well, I donā€™t have any black friends or enemies, since I live in Northern Germany and have a very small social circle, but I still have an opinion on them: They are regular people.


I meant that in the sense that the Nixon-era Cheney kept a fairly low profile, while John Mitchell was the resident arrogant prick who went out of his way to antagonize and intimidate Nixonā€™s detractors and foes; Cheney may, in fact, have learned a thing or two from Mitchellā€™s ā€œWe-Will-Destroy-All-Who-Defy-Usā€ belligerence.

OK. . . . uhhh . . . blame Obama.

I donā€™t recall anyone on BB ever defending bin Laden or any suicide bomber or angry hateful Mullah preaching ā€œdeath to America.ā€

You are using the tired old Fox News faulty logic that ā€œMuslim = terrorist.ā€

Prove to me that all Muslims are terrorists, prove to me that all Russians support Putin, prove to me that all Jews think Israel has to keep the West bank, prove to me that all older white men are racists.


Sure, but for the rest of that conversation you refer to the man you are speaking with, as ā€˜sonā€™.

And before long the aggression you receive will be neither covert nor passive.

well, sarcasm used to mean knowing statements veiled behind some dark humor. You seem well adapted to the changes.

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It may be unintentional, but your argument implies that race-based oppression (a.k.a. racism) does not exist anymore, and that the only basis for oppression is economic class. This is a false and dangerous line of reasoning. Black people still experience a very unique and specific kind of oppression, which is why rich black folks are treated differently from rich white folks (and likewise for lower classes).

Youā€™re right that ā€œblame the victimā€ is a terrible philosophy, but at some point the question moves from ā€œwhose fault is this oppression?ā€ to ā€œhow can this oppression be ended?ā€. Black nationalism/lilberation tends to recognize that the (white-controlled) government is the cause of the oppression, and that the solution ultimately is not better government welfare but freedom, independence, and self-determination.

Those are all ideals which Nevada rancher dude is probably down with. Iā€™m not trying to claim that this rancher and black nationalists are in agreement, but there is an interesting sort-of overlap which I think is significant.


One doesnā€™t need to read much further into the quote, though, to see that heā€™s also a person who is racist.

That was kind of the conclusion of my comment?

Theyā€™re not good with irony, the teabaggers.
Matt Taibbi went to a rally in KY or something and wrote about it. He interviewed a husband and wife that were sick and tired of people getting gov. largess - all the while she was on a medicare scooter and he was an appraiser for his county.
It was the ā€œotherā€ people getting handouts that bothered them. Of course.


There are a lot of groups who would say that freedom, independence, and self-determination are their goals, I do as well but the implementation is everything. Social Darwinist ā€œcut welfare and let them fend for themselfā€ may be liked by certain right wing groups, but would be (and is) a disaster when tried out.

Malcolm X would not have liked the situation with welfare, but to suggest that he would agree with Cliven Bundy saying he would be better off as a slave than on welfare is laughable.

Cliven does not have freedom, independence, and self-determination as his social goals though, as slavery is the opposite of those ideals. He claimed that the family in his example had less freedom on welfare than as slaves. I donā€™t think that is possible without being dead.

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Yes, both the poor locals and Clive Bundy think they know what is best for the impoverished locals.

Thing is, Bundy resents it when others think they know what whatā€™s best for Clive Bundy, and the irony is VERY much lost on him.


As a counter to that, most conservatives that hold those type of views donā€™t see things like Medicare or Social Security as a handout. If you have worked any in your life you have paid into the system. Personally I love having the government take bits of my paycheck just to know those systems are horrible broken and will be bankrupt by the time I retire.

I know I tend to very narrowly reply to specific posts without regard for the larger subject matter. I think Iā€™ve been unclear in this case.

I was also saying that I donā€™t see the word Negro as offensive, so I donā€™t think we have any disagreement here. Times change and words change and I donā€™t find outdated terms offensive. That being said, some people do, and it is wiser to use contemporary terms when aware of them. If that point wasnā€™t clearly made I apologize.

If he also denied the reality of the Holocaust would you actually be that surprised? People do that. And people who donā€™t deny the reality of it deny the severity of it. (Iā€™d also like to add that many people seem to consider Nazi Germany to be some kind of singular aberration with no comparitors)

But that aside, I have no interest in ā€œvindicatingā€ him. Heā€™s staggeringly wrong that black people in America today would be better off as slaves. Heā€™s ignorant and he has had a long time to learn about the reality of slavery if he cared to do so.

I donā€™t think I was making excuses for him at all. I gave what he said a very charitable reading only to argue with JeanBaptisteā€™s contention that people were jumping to conclusions by calling him racist. No matter how kind a reading, what he said was outright racist. No matter what ignorance I impute on him he is still regarding people as less-than-human based on the colour of their skin. He thinks that black people canā€™t do anything unless white people are there to govern them. And he looks at people in dire poverty without and sympathy, replacing any acknowledgement that he has been more fortunate than with his sense of entitlement.

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Quick note: Bundy is dead wrong.

Itā€™s not impossible that a slave could have more freedom than a ā€œfreeā€ person. Whether or not you are a slave is a legal status. But freedom has a lot more to it than what is written in a law book. Aboriginal children in Canada were never slaves but they were stolen from their parents, held against their wills, beaten for speaking their birth languages, and raped without consequence well past the middle of the last century. Many societies in history have kept slaves and they have given them different social statuses. ā€œSlaveā€ is a word. People live in reality, and in reality, being free is not just not being a slave.


ā€œI want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,ā€ Cliven Bundy said. ā€œJust kidding! I havenā€™t talked with a real, live negro since 1974.ā€


Most slaves and people like the ones that you gave your example have something in common.

Another person is trying to break them then remould them into what they believe the victim should be, a lesser being who knows their place and is subservient to them. Lets not forget that any attempt to fight against the conditioning was considered a mental illness, just like women who thought they were the equal of men.

Why are we still fighting against this shit? Equality was a radical idea in the 18th century, not now, so why are we dealing with a fossil like Bundy in the 21st?

They are not bankrupt, but they have been under constant attack from the right for one major reason - they have worked. And they have worked even better than assumed.
But the fact of the matter is that BOTH are government programs that do more to benefit those in lower socio-economic levels than higher. < grammar edit
And IMO, they have been a good thing in that respect. They could fix SS funding forever as well, if they just removed the income cap. Everyone pays in for every dollar they earn. Will never happen of course, but it should.


Maybe we should look at the whole of what he said that day instead of just the section that demonizes the ole fellaā€¦I think it is important to keep in mind that the era and culture he was raised in and how that his words here do not reflect the scope of what I imagine he was taught back then.