Delightful notes and signs from Portland, Oregon

Going from free parking to permit parking takes a pretty significant change in parking availability. Most permit parking also only takes significant effect overnight – which is the deciding point for whether to institute it in the first place. If residents can’t park overnight, then you lean towards permit.

Daytime? Suck it up.

Maybe the vw owner will decide to gift the vehicle to Buddha and Zoe.


I’d have preferred if it hadn’t happened right next to my only reasonable way of getting anywhere, but… yeah. :slight_smile:


Parking permits come with monthly or yearly fees, which you pay on top of the taxes you pay on the property fronting that public street. Also, your houseguests can no longer freely park on the street in front of your house.

@daneel: That is my favorite recurring sketch from that show. Yes, I’m weird.

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“You have no business killing our neighbors. I saw you garrote Gary. People like you will just encourage folks to carry assault weapons and vote for Trump. Thanks for your “contribution” to civil society. Please go die in a fire.”

I hate these blogs that think they are being so clever by infinitely scrolling and repeating content. Just post each pic once. AMIRITE? It’s OK to get to the bottom and for that to be the end.

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