'Demonic activity was palpable' at Trump rally, says Florida pastor

I don’t think these people use ‘demonic’ etc metaphorically. They mean it literally. Living in a magical world.

I had a roommate in amway (or actually the offshoot, who’s name escapes me). Of course she was trying to recruit me (which was not going to happen), but I did go to one of their ‘retirement’ parties because, gosh, that sounded weird. It is the strangest event I have ever been to. It is also the only time I have experienced fanaticism from a large group of people first hand. It was somewhat scary, even though they had no reason to turn on me, and the fanaticism was focused only on emptying their own pocket books. It was built up over a couple of hours. Rituals. Call and response prayers. A parade of heroes. At the end the ‘retiree’ is driven away in a limo. A dozen or two people chased after it waving tiny american flags shouting ‘freedom’ with spittle flying from their mouths.

There was a subtle darkness to it. These people, all being duped. So thoroughly. So eagerly.

I think the pastor found that feeling at the Trump rally, worse because people are being made to hate rather than simply suckered. He called it demonic energy, fit it into his religious worldview. Its as good of a description as any.