Depiction of Trump in American flag giving Nazi salute is disturbing

Silly Germans… Don’t they know we replaced the Bellamy Salute with hand over heart back in 1942?
Nazis ruin everything they touch. When was President Trump born anyways?

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Well sure, it’s a visual thing only.

Although there are the squabbling advisers, the Pretorian Guard, sorry Secret Service, being unhappy and potentially going unpaid, the nepotism…

If he appoints some kind of animal to be an adviser, we’ll know for sure.

ETA: I see you all got there first :slight_smile:


The person you are responding to has been rendered temporarily unconscious by breathlessness, we apologize for any pearl-clutching or outrage that may result from his weltgangschmertz weltchmertz weltschmerz.

–The Management

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(Sorry. Pet peeve of mine.)


The animal wouldn’t be a weasel since that would be redundant to Trump.

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Somewhat debatable.


In 1969 Anselm Kiefer, then a 24-year-old art student in Karlsruhe, travelled round various locations in France, Switzerland and Italy where he was photographed giving the “sieg heil” (Hitlergruß) salute outside prominent buildings. His exhibiting of a selection of the images, under the title Occupations (Bezetzung), for his degree show provoked anxious incomprehension among his tutors and, later, anger among the public and critics. The taboo-breaking work has now entered the art-historical canon and Kiefer has been credited with an early “naming” of the evil that so many of his countrymen had chosen to forget

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Why is the cover image “disturbing”? Now, the reality that it accurately shows – an American president who supports Nazism, fascism and a throughly corrupt system – that’s disturbing.


Interestingly, it wasn’t just this Department of Commerce meeting allegedly about the MBDA. From the original reporting here:

there’s also this:

The Trump campaign denied paying Diamond and Silk for their regular on-stage appearances at political rallies. But an amendment to the campaign’s 2016 FEC report, released in May 2017, reveals the YouTube stars were in fact cut a check shortly after the election: a meager $1,274.94 for their “field consulting” work.


There’s a full-press media war happening. CNN and the NYT appear to be in the bag for Trump.

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Actually, I’m unsure about CNN. They might still be doing the counterproductive Liberal thing instead of being actual fascists like the NYT.

Still treat with caution; they’re useless at best.

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