What in the absolute fuck??
California allows you to have sex with kids as long as there’s a 10 year or less age difference.
For the record, what is CA’s minimum age for consensual sex?
What in the absolute fuck??
California allows you to have sex with kids as long as there’s a 10 year or less age difference.
For the record, what is CA’s minimum age for consensual sex?
i was all, “at a Nevada school board? I didn’t hear… OHHHhhhhh, Clark County. What happens in Vegas…”
Not even the first time
The lady is a Q Fixture at those meetings
If you are worried about the composition of the school board in your community, get yourself on the ballot! Often the seats are uncontested so you don’t have to do much campaigning. Help keep the books in the libraries and the teacher free to teach.
Oh, I love these euphemisms for genital organs.
It’s yet another entry in the “See If You Can Top the Outrageousness of Seeing ‘Christ on a Fucking Hoverboard’ Contest”.
Give it a day or two…
Some people says It was inspired by Syd Barrett.
A great idea… except that the laws being passed are state laws. So people should run for state seats, too.
It seems like most are exactly where you’d expect to find them, with a lesser amount probably hiding in the corners of the bathroom (that reminds me that it’s about time to clean the bathroom…)
Right wing projection is predictable, but usually not so… specific. There’s no way this lady just pulled “box of pubic hairs” from nothing, she definitely has one. I wonder whose and why. Wait, no, I don’t want to know.
Honestly they always have been. It was a running gag in Parks And Recreation for a reason. The difference is the wingnuts have gotten wingier and nuttier. Instead of complaining about the colour of the door knobs on city hall, now we get this stuff.
I wonder when people will start getting it right that Flavor Aid was the real deal?
The ‘Lolita’ sunglasses are a nice touch.
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