Derek Chauvin, the cop who murdered George Floyd, is stabbed in federal prison

Good news, everybody.



So much this.

A good guideline told to me was “Most prisoners get out, one day.” I use that as a measure of what I think a prison experience should be.


Jesus Fuck My Eye Christ, a gun? In Federal Prison? What the actual hell is going on that allows this to happen? (Also, if you’re an inmate who’s somehow managed to procure a gun, why do you waste your one shot on Derek fuckin’ Chauvin?)

Our prison system is wildly corrupt, because it is designed to make a few people wealthy, and the people who are in prison are treated like shit, because no one is paid to care, and the people who are charged with running the places are paid like shit, so they often will happily take brides to look the other way… When you set up a system to be as cruel as possible to the most amount of people, you’re going to have to expect this kind of thing happening all the time.

Because he’s a racist piece of trash that killed a man in cold blood?


For the sake of clarity here: that gun incident didn’t involve Chauvin.

From the AP news link in Beschizza’s BB post (and quoted in Mister44’s post) :

Published November 14, 2022

A federal prison inmate was able to obtain a firearm at a prison in Arizona and then pulled it out in a visitation room and pointed it at a visitor’s head. The Associated Press has learned the weapon misfired and the female visitor was uninjured in the Nov. 13, incident at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tucson.

The incident happened at a minimum-security federal prison camp — most of which don’t even have fences and house inmates the Bureau of Prisons considers to be the lowest security risk.

Federal prison camps were originally designed with low security to make operations easier and to allow inmates tasked with performing work at the prison, like landscaping and maintenance, to avoid repeatedly checking in and out of a main prison facility. But the lax security opened a gateway for contraband, such as drugs, cellphones and weapons.


Amen. Very well put.

I know… this is absolutely nuts. As fucked as it is, the Federal Prison system is probably better run than any other in the country. Prison in the US is a slow-motion disaster unfolding in front of our eyes.


I’ve found myself very impatient with tone policing about this. I’ve told a few self-elevating types tutting at the rest of us about their own moral superiority that they should platform their very important points around some black people, see how that works out.

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prisons shouldn’t be

I don’t care what you decide to replace them with at this point. Maybe you invent something that’s 95% similar (hopefully not, but it’s an option).

Sometimes you can carve the rot out of the apple; sometimes you have to throw it away. There is nothing to redeem in what we have right now.


I’m guessing those views aren’t overly universal.

Okay, so what points do you have to make about this stabbing, aside from grousing about what other people say?

Go on, do make them please. I don’t think anyone here will stab you for doing so.


So many ways that US Prisons punish inmates families.


I’m glad suddenly right wing white america is so concerned about prison conditions, but a little upset that it’s only because they think he shouldn’t have been there in the first place.


I take pleasure in Chauvin being the victim of a stabbing however not in prison. Prisons should be safe. It’s inhumane to lock someone into a place where they’re more than likely going to be injured or killed.


Great gotcha.


Honestly, yet more supporting evidence for the idea that so much of what people on the right accuse the “leftists” of is driven by projection and their inability to understand that not everyone is driven by their reactionary tribalism… :thinking:


Will his fellow prisoners do a full investigation and determine there was no misconduct?


I, I take no joy in this.

I’d guess that most of the right don’t understand prison reform or abolition, and those that do deliberately misrepresent it as being either gulags just for right-wingers, or the purge.

It’s the age old problem of how do you educate those who refuse to learn? Giving up isn’t an option, forcing them is undesirable and doesn’t work.


Maybe some Black people agree that prisons should not be violent hellholes. There are a few in these forums. Maybe they will comment on your assumptions.