DeSantis is forced to explain his choices in footwear

She is tall enough to reach the floor. Plenty tall.


The Cruel Shoes?


These boots not made for walking?


We should be focusing on the fact that he’s a fascist asshole instead of mocking him for fashion and presentation. Let’s not mock him in ways that we find unacceptable in or about our own communities, even if it’s different because the identity he’s going for is a tall, imposing leader/dictator.


Pointing out how ridiculous and vain some of these fascists or would-be dictators are can be one effective way of reducing their power and influence.

Charlie Chaplin was well aware of the dangers that Hitler represented when he made The Great Dictator in 1940, but he knew that satire can be a powerful weapon against people in power who desperately want to be respected.


I get that and agree. I just wish we had another approach to it.

When you said

what were you referring to specifically?

If, for example, he chose to proudly strut around in a pair of fashionable high-heeled women’s shoes, then mocking him for that could be considered kink-shaming and hypocritical because most of us would agree that everyone should be able to wear whatever they want. But in this instance he’s not wearing the boots for fashion reasons, he’s wearing them because he’s clearly insecure about his stature and believes that he can fool everyone into thinking that he’s taller than he really is, and he refuses to admit it. To me that’s a completely different situation.


I used to work with a vile woman who described herself as “five foot 13” because her mother forbade her from telling people she was 6’1" as it was “unladylike”.



Hell, if he openly wore platform shoes or something to look taller in photos and such, that would be a little silly, but beyond that I bet nobody would care.


I’m guessing you might be a dad because that was one of my first dad jokes to my (fairly short) daughter.

I remember the Thelwell Cartoons from my youth.

“What do you mean my pony’s legs are too short? They reach all the way to the ground.”

Can’t find the applicable cartoon, but here is a taster…

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