Desperately seeking attention, Marge makes up an assassination plot

Is she anti-Second Amendment now?


There is a big difference between LEOs and Federal LEOs, in the mind of MAGA


She’s against anyone who is not part of the MAGA movement and them having any rights at all…


It seems like the classic over and under-estimation to claim that Biden is sinister enough to be plotting it; but so ineffectual that he couldn’t have the job done before you can say ‘disposition matrix’.

It’s not like we haven’t had a couple of decades of quite overt willingness to put the ‘execute’ in ‘executive’; so the idea that a bunch of FBI agents lugging document boxes in an entirely different state than the target counts as an assassination plot seems pretty ridiculous.


It is hilarious the turmoil about this. Literally nothing was different than any other search warrant. Yeah, no shit, if they raid your house they can use deadly force if you present a threat. (Sometimes even when you don’t.) All the pearl clutching from Republicans is just so funny to watch.


I pity the Secret Service. Me, I can tolerate maybe 30-45 seconds of Marjorie Failure-Meme. :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Everyone knows it is the CIA that does those sorts of high-level assassinations…
And isn’t Lord Dampnut’s private jet a Boeing 757?
Why, that’s your Plausible Deniability right there if Something Happens!


Heh wishful thinking…



Trump jumped on to this assassination plot theory as only he could, declaring that he “nearly escaped death.” :person_facepalming:


Yeah, seems like the first step would be a search warrant looking for pipe bomb materials.


The lie doesn’t matter in the least. She could have followed it up by saying he paid a Mexican drug lord for a hit squad, or an Irish rock band hid weapons in their guitars. The headline “Biden tried to assassinate Trump” is all she needs her base to hear, because she knows they don’t read the bodies of the articles anyway. And they certainly don’t read refutations.

It’s purely another lump of shit to rattle around in their heads.

And she knows her base is not only stupid, but forgetful. They need a conveyor belt of these turds delivering a constant stream of misinformation lest they become distracted by an actual fact. Yesterday it was Jewish Space Lasers. Tomorrow it’ll be the Brazilian mafia sending transvestites infected with Ebola. Anything to fill the conveyor belt.


Let’s see if Discord Discourse and other bbs database rules let me post the same doggone link in two separate threads:

Huh, yep. Can do.

ETA: ugh, I mean Discourse
thanks @smulder


Shame, guess this means Trump can’t be on the ballot for the election. Being dead and all.
It shows real foresight, and selfless leadership that in his last moments he managed to arrange sending an email exposing his assassination by the FBI. Which was apparently part of a plot to replace him with a double who just did and said exactly the kind of things the real Trump probably would have if he’d managed to actually escape.
I am confused about why he chose to have the whistleblowing email timed to go out over a year later though…

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Off-duty Detroit cops are required to be armed, and I can’t tell you how many “Off-Duty Cop Saves Day” stories I’ve seen in local news.

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