Originally published at: Detecting fake AI-generated faces by looking for irregular pupils | Boing Boing
Irregular pupils, otherwise known as “Rick & Morty Syndrome”.
Now GAN developers will keep refining their GANs until they always draw round pupils, as well as fixing other flaws that haven’t been widely discussed yet.
[insert “Angry Machine.wav” here]
i’m writing an ‘A.I.’ (aka. couple of nested loops of iterative Bayesian statistics) to figure out if an ‘A.I.’ has detected the presence of an ‘A.I.’ fake. We’ll soon get to the bottom of if there are any humans left coding code to code code (“Comment composed by A.I. bot 7 based on prior comments plus three Zippy the Pinhead comics”)
Seems weird that the AIs would have so much trouble getting that part right considering that “drawing regular, symmetrical shapes” is one of the tasks computers are traditionally pretty good at doing.
If they can make an algorithm that detects asymmetrical pupils then can’t they also make an algorithm that fixes them?
Maybe it’s not AI, but a goat in a person costume.
Not only that, but the example pictured shows the AI face to have irregularly shaped irises as well.
Yeah, considering pretty much all the pupils they’re trained on are symmetric, wouldn’t the ones they generate be symmetric as well?
Unless you know what to look for, detecting the fake is quite hard:
I can’t do too many images because I start to get freaked out by the uncanny valley.
GANs are Generative Adversary Networks, not General Adversary Networks.
The easiest tells are weird background and clothing textures, impossible hairstyles, flat lighting, and lack of other people in frame. If those all fail, ask yourself “How old is this person?” If they could simultaneously pass for 8 and 40, they’re probably not real.
Apparently I have a fake face. That’s a relief!
Yep…all good tells. It gets harder though, when all you have is a 64x64 bit photo on a twitter profile.
I do pretty well in Which Face Is Real? when given a binary choice where you already know one is real and one is a fake. If given the faces one at a time and asked to vote, I’m not so sure I’d do as well. There are some I have to look at a long time and even then I’m mostly making an educated guess.
Yeah, there’s always outliers. My wife’s pupils have been altered by eye surgeries.
I’ll have you know, I’ve been considered an irregular pupil since the first day of grade school.