Detroit judge faces lawsuit after detaining and humiliating a sleeping 15-year-old during a courtroom field trip

“I’ll do whatever needs to be done to reach these kids and make sure that they don’t end up in front of me.” --Detroit Judge Kenneth J. King

Maybe, recognize that you yourself are admitting that you believe that chronic unstable housing situations can lead to people piped straight to the justice system and then on to prison? And then do what you can to fight for stable housing, food access, and reliable income for the disadvantaged? I’m guessing not, but there’s always time to change your mind.


It seems like it’s almost always a bad sign when someone spends so much time talking about ‘respect’ and ‘being disrespected’.

It’s an especially dodgy look for a judge who has quite possibly been involved in trying some ‘disrespect’ based violence, given his stated concern about kids ending up in front of him and the research on that as a stated motive; but I imagine that righteousness is easier and more fun than introspection so it probably doesn’t slow him down much.


Hopefully as the result of this she and her mother will be able to afford housing after they sue him for millions.


“I’ll do whatever needs to be done to reach these kids and make sure that they don’t end up in front of me.”
Because everybody knows sleep leads to a life of crime.


Deferred to the Bully-in-Chief?

Dog Sleep GIF


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