Did you ever want to play questions?

You have a tequila anecdote that happened to you AND you can actually remember what happened?

I thought it was usually one or the other? Doesn’t Cuervo’s Uncertainty Principle apply here?


Oh FSM, have you ever stumbled into a bay that descends a millimeter every eighth mile? (Three miles out) Then have to cuddle with a mate in a tent because the wind is blowing so hard?


At pitch black night in gale force winds? How am I still alive?

Second edit

After drinking the worst, and I mean worst rotgut tequila you have ever seen?

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Did I mention I have a death wish :smile:

Hiked sierra Nevada’s in sandals, check?
Hauled a floppy, Ill tied down mattress over the bay bridge? Check?
Got third in a hot sauce contest? Check?


It doesn’t sound too badly hairy but perhaps I’m more used to hiking and camping in extremes of weather and geography? Aren’t pitch-black, gale-force winds known as “spring” in the far south of NZ?

Did you consider the option of drinking until the revolving tent matched velocities with the storm?

Ever had ouzo? Or raki? Or souma?

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East to West, North to South, or just in?

Oh god yes, am an amateur? Is there a reason I can’t even find pics of this rotgut?

(Oh dear lord, there is?)

South to north, but then wailed?

Or moonshine slivovitz from an unlabelled plastic bottle? Which was later used to clean the carb of the charter boat engine I was on when it broke down?


John Muir / PCT?

That happened to you too? Why does this happen so much?


Engineers - are you happier in your jobs than anyone else?

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Does this happen to a lot of people? Am I not liking enough?


Sierra Nevada south lake (I think)? How many hours did I last? (Three?)

(The snow was brutal)

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Are you surprised that when you say “hiked the Sierra Nevada”, some picture traversing the whole range?

Holy.crap yes? I may have had a meltdown, but if you.want the long.version give me.a call?

Hyperbole is part of the job? (I will totally cop to any inacuracte rhetorical device)

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Were they at least Teva’s or were you tromping through the snow in flip flops?

I will never intentionly mislead. And if I ever sound wrong, tell me.

( I am ever not funny, ignore it)

Oh jebus…

They were thin, rubber flip-flops.

(I got through four feet of snow¡!)