Did you ever want to play questions?

Didn’t you see me say I was mostly kidding?

What the hell? People use that?

Is anyone else enjoying Dragon Lord on Netflix as much as I am right now?

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I mean, everyone likes early Jackie Chan, right?


Axe gang fight?

Axe gang fight.


How many axe gangs can one country have?

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How early?

Confessions of a Martial Artist?

You all like the Confessions of a… films, right?

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Did you also think the series made a mistake by selling out to Disney?


Did I simultaneously have an entertaining and eventful day at the Renaissance Pleasure Faire with the kids and miss out on an entertaining and eventful weekend here in Questionland?

Didn’t I ever?


Nimble buggers, ain’t they?

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How is this still less than a month of questions?


Did you know I have a friend from Hawaii who was sent care packages from his mom for years after he graduated uni which invariably contained SPAM? Do you know how many miles that SPAM travelled by the time it showed up on his doorstep? Did it not get canned in Minnesota then sent cross-country to a port in California, travel on a container ship to Hawaii, only to be purchased by his mom, packed in a box and shipped UPS air to Michigan? Wouldn’t it have been more efficient to send the guy pre-paid credit cards so he could buy SPAM that only had to travel 800-ish miles instead?


But would that be as personal?

Perhaps, though, she could have saved enough in postage to visit him in person, instead (with a carry-on bag filled with Spam!)?

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Why assume she doesn’t visit? Although, wouldn’t you know it, his dad visits more frequently, and awesome dad that he is, has watched his adult son play hockey on our relatively crap beer-league team several times?

Isn’t the most awesome aspect of the dad’s visits the fact that he leaves Hawaii in the winter to travel to Michigan to see his son?


His son plays on the girls’ team? [cf.]

With the money she’d save on NOT sending Spam round-trip she could visit more often; how’s that?

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I’m cranky; is anybody else cranky? Is this going to be a cranky-day?

it’s raining here this is not a sentence

Did you eat a turkey leg?


Isn’t that second word a bit of an oxymoron?