Did you ever want to play questions?

I like bassoons, okay? Can’t you imagine the perfect heaven of an all-bassoon all-girl Steely Dan cover-band?

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It was very Catholic, and would you believe that both the groom and groomsmen were all named Michael?

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2 hours? Isn’t that just for weird Pentecostals?

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Did you misspell “nightmarish fever dream” again?

Who here knows anything about BGP? Does stackexchange occasionally irritate other people than me?

From a residential Ip is it possible to dump global network peers? And what is the mapping from bgp ids to asns? (Are they the same? Is that too easy?)

As my mother isn’t catholic, Relatively?

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Isn’t it about Napoleon Dynamite?

If you’re catholic, don’t you have to be named Michael? Wasn’t my dad Michael and uncle named Michael Jr (that last part is a lie)?

Time to seriously hit the RFCs?

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Well isn’t that quite the racket?

Is Mindy short for Michaela?

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Why would Mindy be short for Michaela… I’m not catholic? Isn’t my sister a Michelle - but she’s not catholic either? Isn’t she some sort of evangelical?

Darn it, do I have to dip in here on a regular basis to know what you mutants are talking about? With limited time, is it advisable to read backwards until the thread either starts or stops making sense? Or is that just folly?

[…] do I have to dip in here on a regular basis […]

Didn’t you know you’re already soaking in it?


Oh, well, I feel better already?


Is there any escape from noise?


(Gal-AX-xy, all I need is dig, nslookup, tracert, or route print for bgp :smile: )

(Or a complete whois from every international *nic)

(In 36 hours)

Is that all?

Welcome to the world of high pressure startups?

(At Symantec that would take eight engineers and 18 months)

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