Do you not run the risk of a Donald if you don’t?
What’s a Donald?
Has @cowicide been searching the bbs for all mentions of Bernie?
You wouldn’t put that past me, would you?
No harm, no foul?
Why would you do that?
Variations on these, when a post is not in the form of a question?
Wouldn’t you just automate that sort of search?
Who says I didn’t?
Do you really want to hurt me?
Do you really want to… make… me… cry?
Have you seen THIS?
Don’t you think I would have copied you anyway?
Why are people in my (now former) school’s admissions and records office so… unhelpful? Unknowledgable? Is it wise to have only one person in the department who knows a very important bit of information that should be common knowledge amongst the other people in that department? And if there is just one Keeper of the Knowledge, shouldn’t that person be AVAILABLE to answer questions?
Bad parenting?
The absolute worst?
Try ‘We’ve locked your [stuff] in this cupboard and the person with the key is currently in another city and won’t be back for three days. No, you can’t try and pick the lock. No, we won’t break the door.’ Was that my blood pressure rising just thinking about it?
Urgh, doesn’t that make my head feel a little asplodey?
Did anyone else see something weird in the user title thingies a short time ago? I wish I’d have taken a screen shot (since when I navigated away, it disappeared), but instead of saying “Regular”, wasn’t I treated to seeing @daneel 's title as something like “President of something or other (sorry, can’t recall exactly what it said, but it was along those lines)”?
Didn’t @beschizza change it to “President of the Presidium of the Supreme Control Engineering Committee of the Special State Security Bureau”?
Did he take it away again?
Easy come, easy go?