Well, ain’t it a relief to know I’m not hallucinating?
And how’d you wrangle such a great title, brief though it was?
Well, ain’t it a relief to know I’m not hallucinating?
And how’d you wrangle such a great title, brief though it was?
Bad parenting?
I found it didn’t I?
Average Masters thesis lengths charted by discipline - #12 by daneel
Perhaps he’s figuring out how to make it a giant, menacing font?
Who knew he’d be so fascinated by control engineering?
Don’t I imagine him imagining the phrase in the voice of the Master Control program from TRON?
How about a visual to go with the voice?
On a related note, does anyone else love the hell out of Tron?
Don’t we all?
Are you sad Tron 3 got canned?
Is it blasphemous to admit I only saw the original?
Not sad, because didn’t I find the second one a bit… lacking?
Damnit. I was hoping we’d get an explanation for Cillian Murphy and his emacs shenanigans. Wasn’t I not?
A boing boing job title generator.
Have you been Donalded before? Are you prepared to be Donalded?
So you know when you’re moving, and you’re packing up stuff, and find things you hadn’t looked at since the last time you moved?
Anyone up for looking at ViewMaster reels?
Can I give you one for tacking a question on to the end of 2 declarative statements? Is this not what is known as “weak sauce”?
Is one ever prepared to be Donalded? Does one ever recover?
Me? Me? Me? Me? Me? Me? Why does every ebay auction of reel-lots go waaaay past my I-can-reasonably-explain-this-to-my-wife price?
Is it sad that the original didn’t hold up for me upon seeing later? Did I still enjoy it anyway when I took the kid and his friend to see it in 70MM? Was I actually happy with the second as I really didn’t expect much more than a 2 hour Daft Punk rock video? Does that harsh your mellow?