Did you ever want to play questions?

Why didn’t you go back to the beginning of the series?

Was Pompeii any good?

Because, like all kids, they are madly into vintage tech?

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Didn’t I half-heartedly try series 4? Wasn’t randomly surfing around http://gameofthrones.wikia.com/wiki/Game_of_Thrones_Wiki quicker and free?

Am I the worst TV watcher ever (One episode of 24, two or three of Lost, gave up on both, never watched Breaking Bad or The Wire etc etc)?

Was Pompeii good? Would it be fair to say it didn’t even meet my very low expectations?


Why not just read the books? Shouldn’t make an effort on Breaking Bad, because isn’t it awesome?

Aren’t I sad for Jon Snow now that I know he was in a crappy movie? Don’t those lovely locks deserve better?

Do you really want to know what I had to do for @beschizza in order to get that title?


Am I not planning to read the books when they’re finished, and I’m done with the other epic fantasy series I’m reading?

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Did you mean to say “smart”?

Why are my hands all sweaty and I feel like I’m missing something in my life?

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Aren’t you a clever one, as you get to read it all at once instead of waiting like me? Meanwhile, aren’t I going crazy knowing what happens after the end of book 5?


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Title, title, who’s got the title?

Bad parenting?


Isn’t this like that bit in Microserfs where they come up with their new titles for their business cards?


@Mindysan33 ?


Ain’t it a nice title?


Wait? Whut?

Do I care how it happened? Might I go mad with power?

Wait, is there only one title that we share and change as needed?


Wasn’t Carry on up Pompei (or whatever ) better than Pompei and wasn’t the recent Spooks quite a pleasant surprise?

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I don’t know? Can you tell me?

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I found Spooks to be a fun film, is that declarative enough?

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Did anyone get deep fried to death?