Has anyone watched ‘The Heat’? How many gut-laughs can they cram into this thing?
Are we like the two banana guys (@awjt and @SteampunkBanana) , only with Kollantai? Look at her?
Isn’t that floor pretty? Aren’t I jealous?
Has everyone given a Ted Talk now, except me?
Is there anyone here whose wedding ring isn’t made of tungsten-carbide?
@japhroaig, I’m assuming you made your own using ancient Etruscan techniques, no?
TEDx doesn’t count, does it?
TEDx? Won’t they let anyone do one of those?
What do you do when you hear of “Tech Crunch” or anyone using the term disrupt?
Funny you should ask, I stopped wearing one years ago but have been thinking about getting a new one made; would common uranium pose any health risks? JB weld? Should I hammer and fold my own steel? Lathe a section of Irish elk antler?
Vomit slightly in my mouth?
I still appreciate the innovators dilemma and the innovators solution, but hasn’t it just given slack jawed idiots the license to use even more useless jargon?
Who knew the Rifftrax Sharknado live show was available for free on Prime?
Would I be resistant to the idea of wearing uranium? Isn’t the idea that many salts of decay products are water soluble enough reason to give pause? (As an aside: Have you ever looked at the retention efforts around the old Rocky Flats site? Isn’t it a good thing Plutonium isn’t water soluble and tends to bond to clay?)
ETA: Did I edit this to clarify why I’m using parenthesis?
Sharknado was made as a joke, right?
Did somebody’s teenage kid do the special effects for this movie?
What exactly do you expect when you sit down to a movie titled “Sharknado”?
Hey, whaddya know?!?
How could I not even know that thing was there?
Could it be improved with this treatment?
Aren’t we watching it with this treatment?