When the devil knows you’re dead?
Or before?
Does the devil follow that other thread?
Has El Diablo posted a date in that thread?
Wouldn’t that be weird? What would we all do if he missed his deadline?
Hell freezes over?
Have you seen this?
Now I have?
Is there still a lot I’m catching up on?
every time i go to boingboing and see the submit button i resent the implication. do any of the other doms out there feel the same way?
So is it really stupid or incredibly genius to both burn your eggs and have a runny yolk?
Why can’t I like your post? Why, why, why?
(I thought there was supposed to be a number-of-likes upgrade at the “regular” level. They lied to me!)
would it help if i said that i appreciate the thought? or will this just set you up for more frusatration?
Would you believe I put the butter in the pan, walked away while it melted for too long, and when I came back and finally put the eggs in, the bottoms got crispy, before the yolk got too cooked, then I flipped the eggs and turned off the heat as always, leaving the yolks still runny? Weren’t they still pretty good?
Probably not? Aren’t I of the people, one of them organic intellectual types?
Aren’t we all carbon based?
Haven’t I been busy for a Saturday? Aren’t steam cleaned rugs a nice thing?
Didn’t I mean I didn’t come from the bourgeoisie, but from the working classes?
Didn’t I finish one book and start another, and write a little?